Project Life 2016 - February

Its time to share a little more of my Project life album.
This month I decided to include some 6x8 sized photos....I love the look of them...however my 
BIG TIP: check out the cost of processing. 
The first place I had printing done cost me 2.99 a print. Big W was only 98c ... huge difference.
I did try working out how to print at home...and obviously it could be done... but its not a straightforward size and in my attempt to keep life simple I chose to outsource this printing job.

It was also the month we embrace the Snapchat face swap feature.
Its hard to even look at the photos...but they were such a laugh in February I had to include them.


  1. I must admit those switched photos give me a laugh. Your album is looking very nice.

    1. Those switched faces are such a hoot... we have had a lot of laughs.
      Thanks for your lovely comment x
