Memos, Mail, Me - Scrapbook goodness and book wisdom

Its Monday...and that means if I'm to play along with Sians 'Memo, Mail, Me': prompt I need to actually 'tune myself in' to what the universe sent me this week.

The obvious one is these gorgeous scrap supplies that arrived....I am not sure I can thank the universe seeing as I ordered them from Sassy Scrappers after seeing Jot girl Sherees Instagram feed. I just adored them...and I justified them in my head.... it had been quite some time since I splurged...and I am trying to prepare for a year of memory keeping ahead.

Then this golden little gem arrived....perhaps this time I can thank the universe. Its the book on top of my current read pile...."The 15 Minute Organizer" and I picked it up in a secondhand shop while we were away on the weekend.
It cost me all of $1.00
Its old... and to be truthful... a little corny..... but I loved this one little quote...

"A body at rest tends to remain at rest, and a body in motion tends to remain in motion. Procrastinators have a difficult time getting in motion, but once we get in motion we tend to stay in motion. If we gain momentum the task is well on its way to completion."

I couldn't help thinking that is me to a T.
I've been on a roll of late....I just have to keep that momentum going.

Oh and as an after thought...I have only ever subscribed to a kit club for a short time.. and that's long cancelled... but I miss that regular top-up of supplies. I have been thinking about re-visiting the idea of late... any recommendations?


  1. That is seriously a gorgeous haul of scrapping supplies - all in my favourite colours. I chuckled at your quote but one of those total acknowledging chuckles that had a head nod in with it - yes that could be me during the winter months. I think my head nodding has been the most motion I've had in days!

    1. The scrap supplies are so gorgeous....I have looked at them over and over. I think I might have been hasty in my quick overview of the book....having flipped a little more I have noticed a few more golden gems of organising might not be too bad afterall.

  2. So pretty! You are making my fingers itch to start cutting and sticking.

    That's an excellent quote. Funny, I just had an email with a prompt about writing on "procrastination"..I think this says it all.

    Wishing you a great week ahead.

    1. I product just makes you feel like dropping everything and playing.

      Truly...sometimes I could be a member of procrastinators anon. Having a list Ive been ticking off has been very motivating for me though lately...I have been getting SO much done. I am definitely in motion... haha
