Currently #11

How about a long overdue  'Currently' post...

Thankful for -  A great job... my beautiful family and the most fabulous friends.

Reading - The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena ... also browsing the others above.

Watching - Narcos on Netflix, A Place to call Home on DVD and Married at first sight on free to air.

Podcasts - Nope.,... first time in ages I haven't been listening at all.

Inspired by - The Blog 'No Side Bar' 

Making - Macrame .. just because its like meditation...and we all need meditation.

Paper crafting -  The beginnings of my 2017 Project Life album.

Focused on - Ticking unfinished items off my to-do list .. and loving it.

Hoping to - Have a major clean-out soon. Its my next big mission once all my projects are caught up.

Learning - That some things in life have run their course and its OK to say goodbye and move on.

Wearing - My green work uniform.. and boots.

Drinking - Coffee....always coffee.

Wishfully wanting -  Living the Healthy Life - by Jessica Sepel

Planning- Meals for next week... a list of everything I want to catch up on...and some weekends away.


  1. I like a good Currently list. I think your Learning has stuck with me, I too have a situation I need to release as it has run its course. My hanging on to it does not improve it or bring it any new life, ideas or resolution.
    Happy week ahead.

    1. Its hard to let go sometimes.... good luck with releasing and moving on from your situation too.... we can all do with some encouragement.
      I hope you have a lovely weekend ahead..Mardi x
