Well this is a turn out for the books... I promised myself I would never blog any more of my project life spreads because I find them FAR TOO HARD to photograph...and blogging them isn't worth the angst of getting a good shot.

Fast forward to today....I decided to give it another shot.

However....I am adding a disclaimer right here on the first post..... if you want beautiful photographs.. move on will not see them here.

For those who follow on Instagram... mardi_jane you may have read that I procrastinated far too much before beginning this year....

I already knew I wanted to use the same 6x8 format as I did last year.. because it was easy to achieve...and another important reason was ..its easy for the little kids to manage when they flip through....which they do very regularly.

I was stuck....because I wanted it to be perfect this year... I wanted it to have a flow...a 'look' a consistency... but instead of actually beginning I just kept staring at the blank album...frozen.

What was the turning point? ... who knows....I just decided I was being ridiculous... 'perfect' isn't my thing....I am more of a 'wing it as you go' kind of I just got to it.

I am happy now ...for the most part....although I wont lie...I still hate my photographs.

 This year I am including more 'flaps'  so I can tuck away some extra stories...this spread has two. One of a before and after of Brionys Hens Day...where I tucked a few 'pole dancing' photos...from the most hilarious day ever....and another of her brand new classroom (her first year of teaching).

I am using a monthly calendar card from this gorgeous Wilna bears collection - I adored it... although this was one of my decision torments.... should I go clean and graphic?...or whimsical and arty?.... the bears won.... because the kids loved them....and really...thats what its all about.

My album and pages are Kaisercraft Captured Moments - I used them last year too....which keeps my albums consistent. I really liked the quality....although I do feel the pockets are a little smidge larger than the photos.... which on the upside allow bulky inserts.

I use the Becky Higgins Project Life App to print a lot of my journal cards...I am trying to get into the habit of typing them as I go throughout the month.... attempting to record more of the little stories rather than the big overviews. Once I create a card....usually on my phone while I'm on the go...I save it to Dropbox.... then its easy to print at home when it suits.

I also love the 'Collect App' on my phone.... it allows me to pop in a photo each day of the month...and add in a mini story. I often sit and load these up from my camera roll all in one go....because Im honest here....I suck at staying on top of a photo-a-day type commitments.
These look fabulous printed out and included throughout the months spreads...well I think so anyway.

So there you have it.... the beginnings of my Project Life 2017


  1. Beautiful! I know you do not think so, your photos are great & I really enjoy your photos. I get creativity constipated often & for long periods because I try for perfect or I get comparing & that as the quote says is a thief. I keep telling myself that the important thing is that we are capturing life as it happens & I know I would have loved loved loved it if my Mom or Gran had captured any part of their everyday life & I know I would not have been critiquing the embellishments used. Oh I hope that doesn't sound all judgey ... (yes spell check it's a word). I like the bears.

    1. Thankyou so much for your wise thoughts and words.... it was a perfect reminder that I needed to hear. I find myself playing the comparison game far to often of late and it zaps all creativity....actually I love your term..creativity constipated. When it all boils down... my family loves the albums and thats all that matters. Mardi x
