List love - sorting out whats important

Its so easy to be bombarded with ideas ...

five minutes on Instagram in the morning and my mind is off on a tangent...a new product to try...a wardrobe addition I really need....a new recipe to cook...a craft pursuit I need to investigate...and my head is in a whirl and I'm not even out of bed.

Its no way to live life.... its ridiculous.

I'm after a simple life... I yearn for it.. and yet I am so easily enticed... so my 'List Love' today is dedicated to some of those things I feel are REALLY important...and a few of those  things I need to 'let go'.

The important things...

+ Simple real food ...

+ Minimal wardrobe - with a bias toward  pre-loved .. or handmade

+ a move toward a minimal home...

+ Travel... long..short..

+ Family time 

+ Memory keeping ... I was a slow burn but I am loving Project Life.. its here to stay.

+ Macrame.. my meditation time.

+ Exercise..

+ Reading

The un-important things..

+ Superfoods... calorie counting... or any other food related fad that plants any seed of doubt about how I should eat. With multiple food sensitivities Id prefer to JERF (just eat real food) that I know my body doesn't react to. I have wasted far too much time and money trying to eat the 'perfect diet' and then having to settle down a skin flair of GI upset. I have (at least for the time being) had enough

+ Knick knacks..

+ My vegetable garden.... lets face it...I'm not great at it.. as much as it pains me to say. (Herbs on the other hand...I've got them sorted.)

+ New clothes just because a catalogue or favourite store has a sale or a promotion - Ive had a recent cull / sort and realised I have too much!  There is just too much that I bought because I thought it would be handy.... or it was a good price... or it looked good on someone else... I would love to set myself a 'clothing no-buy period' maybe I will.

+ Too much social media time
Thats where I'm at.... working toward this every single day.


  1. I love your lists Mardi and it's a great idea to take stock once in a while and do this - off to make my own list now! Thanks for the inspiration x

    1. Id love to read your list Mel :)
      My head gets so full and distracted... its nice to just go back basics...lists help me enormously.
