Thankful for - Time spent with family ..trying not to ever take it for granted.
Reading - Blogs.... getting back to Bloglovin and searching out some new reads 'The Rogue Ginger' a fabulous Australian zero waste blog.
Reading - Blogs.... getting back to Bloglovin and searching out some new reads 'The Rogue Ginger' a fabulous Australian zero waste blog.
Watching - Narcos season 3, Reign season 3 , The Bachelorette and anything Zero Waste on You Tube
Podcasts - Low Tox Life.. and The Sustainable Living Podcast
Inspired by - Bea Johnson and the Zero Waste Home... to quote Bea .. "Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot (and only in that order) is my family’s secret to living waste-free"
Making - Vegetable Stock and re-useable produce bags.
Paper crafting - Project Life... so behind...argh!
Focused on - trying to get back to exercise... (how is it possible that something I would always do daily... and was such a good habit could just STOP. I keep blaming circumstances.... but if you boil it down they are only excuses.)
Learning - The frightening truth about GM (Genetically Modified) Foods.... I've heard the term and figured it couldn't be good for us.... but then I listened to a Low Tox Life Podcast by Fran Murrell (co founder of M.U.D.G.E or Mothers Are Demystifying Genetic Engineering) and it was pretty scary stuff.The upside if that in Australia all fresh fruit and veg grown in Australia is GMO free...and there are so great resources available to guide you through the choices when it comes to packaged food.This shopping list from the M.U.D.G.E site reassured me regarding a few items I currently use.
Wearing - 'active wear' .. first time in AGES! I actually got up and went for a walk this morning.
Drinking - Coffee ...but I did make a juice earlier...
Grand plan - To continue minimising our home... to move toward less waste... little steps make big changes.
Planning- I have said yes to sharing my 'macrame love' with a group of friends next week.... I have 5 ladies coming to make macrame with me.
Grateful for - some lovely weekend weather and the veggies we planted in the garden....its so nice to see them coming along although the snails are proving sneakier than I am.
Wonderful catch up with you & what's currently happening. Taking care of our planet has to become everyone's #1 priority because really where else can we live! When I think about food, I use to think about Michael Pollans idea that we should eat only foods that rot, but with all the GMOs around that isn't as easy as it use to be.
ReplyDeleteHello....and how lovely to see you have popped by. I couldn't agree more...this poor planet is in trouble if we don't all take some steps...and those GMOs are frightening... I am not sure what your bans are like...but Im sure its more concerning in some regions than others. I am making an effort in any area I can to reduce...recycle...reuse..rot...refuse...