Macrame - (Rollingstone)

I thought it had been awhile since I chatted macramé.... and yes...I'm still loving it. (how could I not!)

Right now as I type this my dear 'other half' is in the shed ...cutting pieces of wood to exactly 45cms in readiness for  tomorrow night.  
Beeeeeecause tomorrow night....  there are 5 lovelies coming over to both 're-visit' their past love OR 'become acquainted' for the first time with macramé. 

I am reluctant to call it a class... because I don't feel at all 'Teacherish' ... but what I can do is share a love of knots...and remind them of what they once knew... and as a group we will create a beautiful piece of  macramé for each to take home....and I hope that they are inspired ...and their love of macramé is ignited or reignited.

This piece was started on holidays ....we were camped right on the beach at Rollingstone.... and it was 'perfect'... I stood knotting this piece with a gentle breeze...and the sound of the waves lapping the shore... it was honestly as good as life gets.
Then we arrived home....and this piece wasn't finished... I just couldn't get back into was almost painful to tie knots at home with the leftover memories of our amazing holiday so fresh in my mind.
I persisted though....and I am so happy with this piece....with the silly name 'Rollingstone'... I know Ill never part with this original piece.....I'm sure Ill recreate her....probably even better....but this one holds the memories and she is mine.


  1. Just beautiful Marnie. I'd love to get back into Macrame. Even if just one piece.

    1. Oh you should Sue.... its so therapeutic... I'm here cheering you on x

  2. I love "rollingstone", she is beautiful. hope you and your ladies had a lovely night creating lovely knots

    1. Thanks so much Jane... We had a lovely evening class... the ladies all asked for another class and were so happy with their take home pieces.. so it turned out well. I have had lots of enquiry for classes.... if only I didnt have to work a job...haha
      I hope all is well with you and your family... xx
