We all get it! ... well I'm pretty sure we all do! I'm talking about that dreaded scrap block.... where we finally carve out some time to sit down and create something we love...but nothing falls into place. The more we try...the worse it gets... the pattern paper gets cut into smaller and smaller pieces...and the frustration grows.
In the latest issue of Jot Magazine we talk about scrap block....and the way we find easiest to push through those times.
I have a go-to 'sketch' or format I go back to every time.... its a middle strip of papers and photo.... a journal block and a title. I switch it up a bit...but just laying it out in this fashion gives me a jumping off point for inspiration.
Whats your favourite 'go-to'?
If you haven't already.... make a cuppa and settle in for a read.... Jot Magazine issue 20