Gosh this is a sad post to write.... JOT magazine has been such a huge part of my life over the last 5 years.... and this is the final issue.

Kim says it so beautifully....  "Its OK to pivot" ...and its the perfect time for Kim to follow her heart and change her direction...and that means JOT got her final send off this month.

I hope you love this issue as much as Kim and we (the team) did in pulling it together ...  and I know you will agree... JOT has gone out with the perfect send off.

You can access this issue and all previous back issues from Kim's beautiful new site... HERE

I just want to say its been an absolute honour to be a part of JOT since the very first issue. I have had a friendship and working relationship with Kim since waaaaaay back in the Scrapboxx days... which was when a lot of my online crafty relationships were born. I can not thank Kim enough for having faith in my abilities to create content for her publications...and for always boosting me along when I need it. I adore and admire Kim's business...and graphic mind... she is my guru in the areas I lack... and I can not count the amount of times she has dished out exactly the advice I need when I need it. 
We often laugh about our parallel lives... our family...our kids... and our crafty loves... and I am so thankful and grateful for that.
I have no doubt Kim has made exactly the right decision.... and I am so proud of her for just following her heart.... quelling her fears....and doing it!!