Black Pepper Essential Oil & an abundance of Pumpkins

If you live in the are never short of a pumpkin.
They are bagged for sale on every roadside....and seem to grow like weeds. I am particularly lucky as B & J have a fabulous garden patch and pumpkins come for free.

So... not wanting to let a single one go to waste...I made up a big batch of soup... its great for a quick and easy meal and there is always plenty left for the freezer.... which makes it easy to grab for work lunches.

Recipe -

1 large onion
1.5 KG Pumpkin (can roast first for added deliciousness)
1 large potato
1 carrot
1 stick celery
1.5 lt Chicken Stock
doTERRA Black Pepper Essential Oil

Melt a large knob of butter in a deep pan .... cook diced onion and celery to soft.... then add remainder of vegetables and stir for approx 5 mins.
Add stock and bring to the boil ... simmer for approx 20 mins or until pumpkin is soft.
(I love a good quality or homemade stock)
Allow to cool slightly and then using a stick mixer or processor blend until pureed.
Stir through 1-2 drops of the Black Pepper Essential Oil. This adds a delicious depth of flavour. 
(Do not add to boiling soup ...essential oils will lose their benefits with heat.)
Optional: Stir through a dollop of cream on serving.

Black Pepper Essential Oil - 

This oil has some incredible benefits.... it is high in monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes (antioxidants.) and known for its food enhancing properties.
It pairs well with meats..soups..and salads to enhance the flavours and to aid digestion.
Just 1 - 2 drops is packs a very flavoursome punch.

It is also known to sooth and calm emotions so can be inhaled directly or used in the diffuser. 
Some Diffuser Blends to try:

1 drop Black Pepper
2 drops On Guard
2 drops Citrus Bliss

2 drop Black Pepper
2 drop Lime
2 drop Wild Orange
2 drop Frankincense

Topically it is warming and invigorating on the skin.... add 1 - 2 drops to carrier oil for a warming massage. Always dilute for the skin to avoid sensitivity. Its a great one in winter to warm cold feet.

Its also known for its use in combating nicotine addiction ...if science is your thing... read the Pub Med articles HERE

Precautions -
As always we need to be mindful ... so keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant... nursing or under a doctors care consult your doctor and don't get in contact with eyes..ears.. or anywhere sensitive.