1. Do you ever get the urge to restyle and redecorate? Well that has been me this last few weeks. I have painted walls...painted furniture...shifted furniture to new rooms.... sent carboot loads to the Op Shop... hung curtains...and scored new finds (like the above bedsides for a total $10 - and some simple restoration). I am so thankful for all the help and advice of my designer friend Janelle of
'Studio Story Interiors' ... she has a knack for pulling me back on track when I zoom off on decorating tangents...she knows my style better than me.... and I appreciate that so much.
2. I have been watching my lovely Insta friend and artist Jenny Rodda create a stunning Oracle deck over many months...each card has been hand painted and in her words
"More often than not, each card that I felt drawn to create became a true reflection of what was happening in my life at that moment."
Her Oracle decks come in gorgeous packaging and are available in her store now - visit Jenny Rodda to shop.
3. Are you overly sensitive?... get overwhelmed easily.... then you might benefit from some Green Mandarin and Balance Essential Oils.
I loved this video by Desiree Mangandog - I am Fabulous Author.
4. Have you ever had a desire to quit your job and downsize life ...to live more simply and frugally? It sounds idyllic to me on one level.... I loved the insight in this blog post by Jen Macnab - titled 'Life on the Other Side'
5. If you are looking for a simple graphic representation of 'How we destroy everything' then check out this video by Steve Cutts. So sad.... but sadly...so true.