Photo by Yu Xuan Lee on Unsplash
Its been quite awhile since I've hit the publish button here. I have discovered that sometimes in life we need to crawl under a rock and just focus on breathing and reconnecting with ourselves. Our trajectory might change... our interests shift and it all takes adjustment. Its hard to be creative when you are in the mess of it all but as things settle and the murky water clears its nice to get thoughts back on paper. aka: blog
In the past I have posted a series of 28 "Simply Loving These" posts - they are a collection of things I had made note of ... like interesting articles.. books.. you name it.... if it grabbed my attention I likely shared it in one of these posts.
I want to continue to do the same but under a new name - 'Simple ideas.. links and inspiration'.. because that's exactly what the posts are about. So without further ado....
- Have you got a Pilea plant with little babies popping up around the side? I do... so this is a great little tutorial on how to propagate and care for your Pilea plant.
- Some great alternate places to camp and stay if you are on the road and travelling. I think some of these spots would be right up my alley.
- There is just something luscious about natural plants dyes ... the colours created by onion skins and avocado are so soft and earthy. If you love them too.... check out BillyNou .. not only for her beautiful dye results but I love her narration and filming.
- Have you been down the compost rabbit hole before? I have been bingeing everything I can read and watch about compost lately. Which has resulted in me getting my 2 black compost bins fired up and hot. Its been actually more exciting than I could have imagined. Here is a good read if compost is your thing too.
- Looking for some Essential Oil recipes for kids? Like scented bubble mix?... or playdough?... Oil Culture share some great recipes and ideas... and also sell some awesome labels too.
Have a wonderful weekend.... 💛