We had a reasonably uneventful night, did get called out at 4am and arrived back on station just in time to see the trapped miners exiting the mine......how amazing were they! They looked absolutley fantastic considering they have been trapped in such a confined space for two weeks.

Now this isnt a bad smell really but its like he stoked the BBQ up in the middle of the kitchen....how can it still smell so much?...everything is clean and the only evidence that they even ate, is the smell. So I have cleaned, mopped, lit the oil burner, brewed coffee, opened every window in the house.......and hopefully it is slowly disappearing (or Im just not aware anymore....lol)
Oh...and when I was sorting through the old photos I did find this blast from the past. Im the girl on the right wearing the lovely pantyhose plaits on her head... Have a great day.......Mardi
LOL about the chops' smell... I'm sure the coffee aroma would have killed any smells left. What a cute photo. You are having a trip down memory lane, hey!
What a wee cutie Mardi :). I love those old photos and don't they bring back the memories? I hope you have a few more that you are going to share with us :) I do hope you managed to get rid of the smell of the lamb chops LOL. Did your DH hide some behind the oven or something :) Nothing worse than a lingering smell aye, specially mutton as the flies tend to hang around, my pet hate LOL. Take care Mardi Love and hugs Bronny :)