The Heater of fame....

2 May 2006

Well Brent never ceases to make me laugh..........although tonight I have had moments with him that definatly dont even raise a chuckle...typical 17 year old!!
A few weeks ago we had Uncle Jb and Aunty Al staying with us......Brent announced to us that on Monday morning he was travelling to Adelaide to play............wait for it............Lawn Bowls. Now there is nothing wrong with lawn bowls...but this is a 17 yo....with as far as we knew...nil or extremely limited experiance. He was quite confident that he had the talent required......needless to say we were not so confident and extremely amused. On asking him what time I could be expecting him home...he replied "after we've collected our trophy at the presentations".......then added "another trophy for the heater of fame".
This had us all in stitches because in our lounge room stands a gas heater....with one lonely trophy on it (won by Ian for 8 ball). cut the long story short....there was no trophy addition to the heater of fame, their final end was called off due to rain (at least thats the story we heard).....Uncle JB and Aunty Al continued on their journey (sob sob) and all was forgotten...........until I opened my email the other day and Uncle JB had sent this.

1 comment

  1. Ah, to have the confidence of a seventeen year old again!

    I have tagged you by the way ;). Check out my blog.
