Technical difficulties repaired....

Well I have managed to fix all my links yesterday, so no longer are they just beautiful they are now functional as well. I even managed to put the beautiful photo in the heading banner at the top.....I was so proud of myself (if even if I do say so Thanks to Kathie L. also... for help with resizing my photo and the links....I think I feel actually organised and happy with the look of my Blog now.

I worked night shift all weekend and it rained on and I think all mum's can probably picture the amount of washing I have today......the kids have finally gone back to school this morning so I have a huge cleaning day planned. ( and were am I? on the bloomin

Im really loving BB at the moment..just thought I d mention that...cant wait to see the revenge taking place....oh....and I like Katie..she is a hoot, I didnt actually like her that much at the beginning but she has grown and grown on me.

I have another Layout to share....I loved these photos of Briony and Lucy at Easter.
They have been friends since toddlers and still get on so well.......its a shame they dont see each other very often. I get the feeling that they will be lifelong friends though.
We had a lovely time this Easter....we camped at Katarpko Creek NP.....Dad and Mum as well as Frank, Leanne, Lucy and Reegan camped with us. The boys fished and caught some callop..we sat around the campfire and ate...just what my bum It was a very relaxing time

Well...with the kids back at begins again which means 2 footy trainings and a game, net ball practice and a game, ballet, dodgeball, 8-ball and golf...each and every week. Im so glad Brent can now drive...saves me lots of running around....No more for today...I have cleaning to do!!! Mardi


  1. Mardi. Your blog looks fantastic, and so you should be proud of yourself!!!
    I can't wait to see what goes on in BB regarding the revenge room also. How exciting (can you tell i have no life. roflmao.
    Your 'Easter' layout is adorable!! I LOVE it! You are such a talented little thing aren't you!! bring on more layouts, I love looking at your work!!


  2. Hey Mardi,
    I really think that we will live on each others blogs. Your just part of the furniture!! lol
    I keep logging onto my blog, but once i get here realise i have no idea how to edit anything. lol
    I really, really, need your help Mardi!!! ROFLMAO.


  3. OMG!! ROFLMAO. I forgot that i were logged into your blog. That comment was meant for mine. LOL
    Well, better go post it in mine.
    *blubh blush*
    See, i told you i needed help!!!

  4. Clever chook! Look at your blog.
    Lovin' that layout too. The blue and pink look so great.

    And you worked out how to do a thumbnail thingy. How? I still haven't worked it out.

  5. WOW Mardi. I love your layout slide show. Gotta get me one of those!!
    Gee, soon my blog's going to look like yours. lol
