What a great weekend.....

13 June 2006

We had an absolultey lovely long weekend. We travelled home and stayed with James and Kelly and kids...caught up all the family and friends. Talked, talked, drank coffee, ate, drank coffee, talked more and ate more. ..but the nicest part was getting to snuggle with Evie. ...not the best photo but sums it perfectly.
Evie is just gorgeous..she has the most beautiful smile and is so happy to cuddle, even with us...who she has rarely seen. The poor darling was teething over the weekend so James and Kelly had some sleep deprived nights with a miserable girl...but even though she was miserable...the smile kept appearing and she really tried to be happy.
I managed to get a few nice photos ... so I have some layouts in the planning.

Im afraid thats it for me tonight....no more news at all really.
Mardi x


  1. Oh Mardi, thats a perfect photo,
    I adore it!!
    I am so glad to hear that you had a great long weekend. Now back to the real world..damn!! lol.


  2. Love that photo! Isn't it a wonderful age? When they're so happy to sit and cuddle with you. I'm loving that about Jamie.
