Brand new baby....and a layout share.

I am so thrilled beautiful, talented friend Belinda has finally had her bub. A gorgeous bubby boy...named Makenzie Mathew born at 1102 this morning...9lb 5oz. I havent seen him yet....but I will certainly be trying to get a peak of him tomorrow while Im at work....because we are always in and out of the hospital throughout the day...surely Ill be able to sneak away for a minute.....I might even throw my camera in my bag. This is going to be one gorgeous Huge Congratulations guys..I couldnt be happier.

Sometimes I seriously wonder if Im doesnt happen often but still often enough for me wonder......this morning we were woken very early (before daylight...Grrr) by Brent and Alex who both got up early for Alex to go home to work. I then dozed back to sleep....and was having a dream...all of a sudden I was woken by Belindas voice...seriously freaky...I cant for the life of me now remember what she said but I immediatly thought Belindas having the baby. I was going to say to Ian and the kids about it...then thought they would think I was I didnt bother. When I got the message later..I was not surprised at all...its like I already knew....Has anyone else ever done that? ......anyway on to other nowhere near as exciting

Just thought Id share this double layout of Briony and her netball this year.....I started it on holidays and finally finished today. I had to use the chipboard circles to cover the faces of the girls from the other team...I know the parents of the girls on my team dont mind...but I always hate to show photos of anyone elses faces without consent, I dont think they look too Its just a pity I didnt upload smaller photos so they sat together as the layout and learn.

Has anyone else been having trouble uploading images to Blogger ?...its driving me nuts.
Oh ...lookey..its allowed me to upload another..this one of Briony, Mitch and I decked out in our stunning Onesteel tour attire while on holidays and visiting Whyalla. We were just in stitches when they handed out the safety goggles...because Mitch, Briony and I were all handed these dainty clear sunglasses and Ian was handed a thumping pair of 'cover half your head' funny....well at least the three of us thought it was. Its a sad sad sight to see me shrinking as they kids grow Ian said "next time we visit the theme wont be if the kids are tall enough for the'll be Mardi who might not make the height bar"..Mmmm thanks Ian.

Well its back to work for me tomorrow (hopefully to steal a peak at that gorgeous bub)......still havent tried on my work pants yet...Im terrified they wont fit..Ahhhh.



  1. Hey Mardi. Another gorgeous layout. Love the pic too ;)

    I've found blogger hot and cold. I have had more success if I upload one at a time, and I reduce the size before I upload. I make them 150dpi and 580 pixels high/wide. If I get one or two up when it's playing up I save it as a draft so I don't loose it while I try and get the others up. I have heard lots of people having issues though.

  2. Thanks Katie ....I will try re-sizing them a bit more...and great isea about saving them as draft...I hadnt thought of that.
    Hopefully Blogger will sort out the problems though ..its annoying thats for sure.

  3. I've had the problem with blogger and photos too. Grrr.
    Love the new layout. You are so talented. Really.
    LOL about the get-up for OneSteel. Kathie

  4. Your posts always make me smile. You crack me up :D

    I love Briony's netball layout. I would have been stumped choosing colour to go with their uniform but the ones you chose look absolutely fantastic!

  5. How fab. is B's news.
    Freaky thing though.....& yes that happened to me the other day...well not about a friends baby
    Awww that netball lo makes me miss muh netball :(, but can't wait till Zahlee's old enough!
    Hopefully I won't be a
    "stage mother" to
    Hope work goes mondayitis!

  6. Hey gorgeous!
    I'm also having blooger upload probs..have had for a while now.
    I love the netball LO its' great. Hey..while you were away Nic posted a challenge at the Boxx to scraplift a LO of your choice which also coincided with my last LO of your scrap to shop I scraplifted one of your LO's..have you seen it yet??
    A HUGE congrats on your recent phone call thats just the best news ever! I haven't received mine yet..then again I wasn't home on Friday so I probably missed them..LOL
    I'm sure work will be fine tomorrow and those pants will fit..ROFL
    Take Care
    sharryn :)

  7. Anonymous3:55 pm

    Wow, how lovely a little darling boy. Your layouts look awesome Mardi, so very striking.

  8. THAT is a seriously GREAT LO, i love it :)

    Thanks for letting us know about that baby arriving at last :)

    I fiddle with blogger a bit in the psts HTL to get my stuff to sit where I want it. or i just center it lol

  9. Anonymous5:24 pm

    Very nice site! » »
