27 August 2006

Well just a quick update this morning ....although last time I said it was going to be a quick post it ended up being the longest one ever.
Last might we went to the Presidents dinner at the Football club ...it was an auction night to raise funds for a kids room within the club. We needed to bid to win the meal for our table...and we successfully bid on the rack of lamb @ $14.00 a head. They then auctioned off memorabilia like signed sporting posters ect...not something Im into at all...so needless to say I was very careful where I put my hand for the remainder of the evening...last thing I wanted was to wave across the room and realise Id just paid $1600.00 for a crusty signed guernsey.
Something really great happened at the end of the night..LOL
We had enough to drink throughout the night that we were not prepared to drive home...we were just considering phoning a taxi when we thought of Brent.....Mmmm an untapped source of pay-backs. So I phoned him and a very sleepy voice answers "Hello"..Hi Mate...any chance you could pick Dad and I up from the footy club..."Awww...OK, how long?".....thanks mate, in about 5 minutes. How nice of him...he was there.....polite as ever...drove us home and then said "night, Im going back to bed, Im stuffed" I had to giggle to myself that here is the Teenager nicely snuggled up in bed having to get out and pick up his partying parents...its nice to turn the table...even if its only occassionally.

Ian spent all day yesterday caddying for his friens Justin inthe Barmera Golf club championships...he came home really dissapointed for Justin as he lost the game on the last putt at the 27th hole.

I actually got to clean the house again.....Im so lucky....and Yes..Im still keen to get that house cleaner. I did spend some time in the afternoon in my scrap room...I managed to finish a couple off and start another.....it is kind of satisfying to actually complete something for a change.
Ill just share my August Scrapboxx BOM.....the topic this month was simple pleasures...I was so lucky last month the have won the Travel BOM ......so my prize was this gorgeous pack of papers ect to complete this months layout.

Well, I better get of this damn addicitve computer...we have huge day planned...Briony has Ballet Rehersal again most of the day today and its full dress rehersal...so I need to braid her hair and apply the glam. Ian and I are heading off to Moorook to watch the boys play in their first Footy final...if they win they are through to the next final and if they lose they are out....no pressure boys!
Finally heres another funny that we were sent...I found this hilarious for some reason...looking at it again now...Im not even sure why.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Have a super Sunday everyone xxx Mardi


  1. I love that Brent picked you up! How cool is that. I'm sure he owes you so you should feel free to do that any time :)
    I love your layout! It's so original. OK I'm gonna finish this comment now so I can go and have another look at your layout :)

  2. cracker of a post Mardi- ive got so long b4 my 2 can come pick me up! Love the Layout too- you werent 'lucky' to win last months BOM- you deserved it. Lou and I were chatting about how we loved it last weekend! the cartoon made me laugh too!you have a great sense of humour LOL!

  3. Anonymous8:35 pm

    Wow, Mardi! This layout is completely mind blowing! I LOVE it! So much detail to take in...I've been staring for hours. :)

  4. hi there Mardi, came across your blog and just wanted to say that your layout looks fantastic, saw it in the boxx gallery.

  5. Loved your Box BOM page Mardi. I've still got to do mine. I'd better get cracking.

  6. LOL about poor ol' Brent. Can't wait 'til Phil and I can actually go out again, let alone that J can come a pick us up!!

  7. LOL Mardi...we're about to do the same thing to Josh shortly. Apparently Michael and I have to attend Rhiannons Yr 12 formal for dinner and a couple of nights before that a graduation Mass so guess who is baby sitting? Although he doesn't know yet..ROFL
    Love the LO it's great.
    Sharryn :)

  8. Awesome layout Mardi!!! And congrats on winning the Boxx travel BOM comp too..well deserved win! :-)

    LOL @ Brent picking you and your dh up...no harm in that at all!

    Have a fabulous week hun and take care
    Love n Hugz

  9. love the simple pleasures layout mardi...its fabbo

    and i like your idea..of getting picked up the other night....very clever (will have to remember that one, when lauchie's a little older...lol)

  10. Love the LO Mardi, fantastic as always.

    LOL Brent having to pick you and hubby up. Glad you had
    a great night :-)

    Talk soon

  11. LOVE that LO girl it just rocks, so many good things about it :)
