bad blogger.....sorry.

dWell Ive been a bad blogger..... Ive had a busy couple of days and my computer inherited a trojan virus Ive been spending every moment of computer time...batteling the war against the nasty trojans ....... I think I may have won the first round...but Im nervous its still lurking....Eeeeekk!
Fortunatley Alex's brother is a computer I might have to enlist some help.
What happened over the weekend?....... truthfully I can hardly remember ...I do know that Brent had a huge weekend with his mates...... we had, not only Jamie (Brents best mate...and our third staying over...but James (Alex's older brother) came to stay as Alex was away in Adelaide with her sister. So we had bodies everywhere...... not that unusual I suppose.
Briony had her third and final Ballet performance...and all went well.
I spent Monday in Mildura shopping with a friend.....and Briony got spoilt rotten.....lots of new clothes for her.....and a couple of summer tops for myself.
What else has been happening.....
The bl@@dy rabbits have more flamin babies........ What the????....the Male is gone??
The computer is unreliable....and I miss it.
Mitch is spending the week doing Work Experiance at KOM Glass....and loving it.
Ians Mum and Dad are coming to stay for a few days...arriving tomorrow.
I have a pain in my Left side .....5 days now......Im off to the Doc this morning ....has anyone ever had a hernia?
I worked an overtime last night to cover all my shopping.
Not much scrapping happening here ...... hopefully today maybe....... I must just share another page from my last scrapping blitz.....this one is an Ali Edwards inspired layout of Mitch fishing in Port Lincoln

Sorry this is a bit rambly this morning.....Ive just read it back and Im all over the shop....but you get the picture Im sure. Ill update again soon I promise.

Mardi x


  1. Oh Mardi, hope you are feeling a bit better and get good news from DR...

    Those naughty rabbits.....LOL

    Great LO, love the circles...

    Take care
    Cherie xx

  2. Wow are one busy lady. How do you have any time to scrap? :) Love, love, love the circles!

    Sorry about the bunnies. They are sneaky that way!

    I hope you can get that virus out of the computer! I hate those things!


  3. You have been a naughty chicken lol, damn computers!

    LOL at the rabbits, but soo not funny!

    I hope u get better soon!

    and and i love love that layout looks awsome!

  4. LOL at the rabbits.....thats too funny, but I'm sure you dont see it that way!
    Hope you havent got a gernia, nasty. Get well soon, and I hope the doc is nice to you!
    have a good one, Dxx

  5. Hi Mardi,

    I love your designs! I hope you get the viruses out of your computer. I look forward to what you come up with next.

    Gorgeous layout!

  6. I hope you some some time to relax and do some scrapping. You sound very busy!

    How cool is the layout with all the circles!

    No way - more rabbits? Well apparently the expression "breeding like rabbits" must have something to do with "immaculate conception".

    btw - I finally replied to your pm on mb. I didn't know I had it! Sorry :)

  7. Hope the Doc's visit went ok Mardi and that the pain has eased up for you. prob not funny for you but i just can't help but laugh when i read about your rabbits.
    Love the layout, fantastic design and very eye catching!!
    take care....

  8. Hoping all went well with the visit to the doc.

    Loved the layout and LOL at the rabbits. How many is that now?

  9. Oh but Mardi...those wabbies are co cute!
    Love that layout! How come i never got a sneak peek at that
    It was FAB to catch up.
    Have a FAB. weekend!

  10. Bugger about your 'puter Mardi. Hope its fixed for good now.
    How 'bout those cheeky rabbits - very funny.
    Lovin your circular layout!
