next layout ...come on down Mitchell!

Well to carry on from yesterdays post about the kids and their favourites layouts for 2006..... this one is Mitchells.... I cant get over how much Mitch has changed in one year......I though he looked so grown up last year.....What was I thinking. The colour in this photo is a little dull actually looks quite a bit brighter IRL... but you get the idea.

and his 2005 layout...this one makes me cringe a bit.....but this is just a sign of progress and artistic development....hehe

Well Im soooooooooo tired tonight idea why....Im just planning on going to bed early.

Have a great weekend

Mardi x


  1. Mardi he has grown up so much in 12 months. And I love the way your style has developed. I love these favourites layouts, thanks for the inspiration, I am going to do this for the kidlets!
    have a great weekend,

  2. Hey Mardi! Gosh, your style has evolved so much, and I don't see anything wrong with 2005 at all, but I am definately loving your 2006!!! So much it!
    Thanks so much for sharing your layouts, I get so inspired!!!
    Have an awesome weekend
    Love n Hugz

  3. Wow he has changed SO much in a year! I can barely recognise him.

  4. Gosh how ur style has changed so much & don't cringe we all start somewhere don't we???
    How sad that Briony doesn't want to comtinue with her ballet....but I guess she's the one doing it & she's made her decision...U have to be proud of her!(I am sure u are)
    I did a fav. lo's of my 2 & what a great idea to redo for this year; thanx for the inspiration Mardi & hey it might give me the kick in the pants I need to do some scrapp'n.
    Have a good weekend

  5. wow, Mitch has changed alot! Your style has changed too, not that there is anything wrong with that! Love the Lo's, and Briony's Los too

  6. Mardi, I don't know where you find the time to do all these LO's you are unreal....

    Hope you had a good sleep and have a great weekend.

    Cherie xx

  7. Anonymous10:26 am

    Wow! These are so worth doing every year, aren't they? The kids change so much in 12 months. I'm loving looking at them. And don't be so hard on yourself about your LOs last year - we all have them in our albums. That's what the style was 12 months ago.

  8. I can't gert over how much Mitch has grown has changed alot in a year, and so has your scrapping style!
    Hope you got a good nights sleep and feel refreshed today!
