What sad sad news today...the Crocodile Hunter is dead!

I was just shocked beyond belief today to hear this news...this man was supposed to be invincible ...he was so passionate about life and worked so tirelessly toward conservation...it is such a loss...and I feel so sorry for Terri, Bindi and Bob...just terrible.

Well my days off are over..... and Im back to work tomorrow.
Ive manage to achieve a fair bit over the last few days...and feel almost caught up in some areas of my life. ...well at least until things turn pear shaped again.
I even managed to scrap a bit...finished my next three EDM layouts, my DT layout for memory bugs and another SM project..Yay.
Before I share my most recent EDM layouts I just need to share last months...

Not much else going on at the moment ..... Im loving Australian Idol at the moment... I really like Chris Murphy and was so happy to see him get a wild card entry tonight...I also love that gorgeous little Lisa.

Ive been tagged by Yvette so here goes:

1. Which famous person would you most like to learn that you are descended from?Umm maybe Mr Hooker....and he could get me a house!!! (a big one...with lots of space..) or Bill Gates.... he could update my computer........LOL ....Sorry I cant think of a serious answer for this..Im really happy with the Ancestors Ive got...they are what has made me who I am ...gotta be happy with that!

.2. Which famous person would you hate to learn that you are descended from?Hitler Jack the Ripper, Osama Bin Laden...in fact anyone with a notoriously criminal background.....how would you live with that...Aghh.

3. If you could be ancestor to any living famous person, who would it be and why?Robbie Williams ..... why?...you work it out...he's awesome

.4. If you could go back in time and meet any known ancestor(s) of yours, who would it be? Umm maybe some of my Great Grandparents...although I have absolutley no idea what Id say to them....its not like we would have anything in common..... although it would be great to hear of the struggles they endured.

5. Tag five others Thats a toughie....Im not sure who has had it...maybe Belinda, Cherie, Jane, Kathie and Kim

Well Im off to get my uniform out and ready for an early start in the morning...take care

Mardi xx


  1. YUMMY layouts and yes its so sad about Irwin. Those layouts are soooo yummm love the junkitz one... it IS junkitz right or am i that sleepy im getting em confused lol. *stares at them*

  2. Love your EDM layouts :) Glad to hear you finished your DT layout for Memory Bugs. Can't wait to see it!

    It was a different kind of tag wasn't it. I liked your answers :)

  3. I LURVEEEEEEEEE your LO's. WOW, they are stunning!
    Sad, sad news about Steve. His poor young family. :(
    Oohh a tag...I'll do it later when my boy is not screaming on my lap :)
    Glad you've caught up with everything...for now!!! lol

  4. In disbelief about Steve & what they must be going through.
    Love those lo's Mardi....the green sets off so well, simply gorgeous work as usual.

  5. WOW Mardi, you have used your time off well and been very productive.
    LOVE the LO's

    Thanks for the tag, will do it ASAP

    Very sad about Steve Irwin, I feel for this family as they won't be able to greive in private, its already turning in to a media circus.

    How is the cleaning lady search going?

    Take care
    Cherie xx

  6. sorry mardi....you've been tagged again...Love your layouts too..

    check out my blog for details
