
Ok...I had planned on sharing this tomorrow....but Ive just accepted an overtime shift for obviously Ill be at wok all day.

The other day I was doing my blog round when I noticed this absolutley gorgeous mini book on Janelle's Blog.....I fell in love with it immediatly (I recommend you pop in and have a look)..... Janelle had created this mini-book as the first Ali Edwards AEzine life artist can find it here .... I really love the idea of Ali's challenges...they are about capturing life and the everday things that make up our life........ this got me thinking...I love to scrap pages with the one stunning photograph.....the page with the studio portrait...looking beautiful...but when I think about all the old photographs I have accumulated of my ancestors..the ones that I really love the most...are the everyday photographs..the ones where I can see what they are like.....obviously I do like the starchy studio shots as well...but they dont capture my attention like the others. This is exactly what Ali E. is all about after checking if Janelle minded (Id hate to just snatch Janelles great idea) .... I registered and began the first challenge....which was to make a min-book of your '5 fabulous favourites' right now...... its meant to be simple and quick...and I certainly kept it simple, its messy and imperfect...and kinda like it.....
Front Cover.....

Page one and two....

Page three and four....

Page five and six....

Well thats my mini -book ...challenge one complete...Im not sure that Ill manage to complete every one...but Im enjoying the motivation to do something outside of my normal scrapbooking.....and hopefully I will grow and learn from trying something different.

Have a great day tomorrow...think of me at work...earning overtime money....AHH AHH AHH!

I guess I should add my 5 fabulous favourites are: Spring, Family time, Vegie patch, Home and my camera....Im guessing the journalling will be hard to read.

Night....Mardi xxx


  1. Loved your mini book Mardi. I've got another on line scrappy frind over in the US that is doing the same chals.

    Just to let you know I had trouble with the link to janelle's blog.

  2. Mardi you mini book is amazing! I love it. You are inspiring me again... I love when you do that. Gorgeous colors!

    Thanks for sharing... WOW!

  3. Anonymous7:26 am

    This is just gorgeous Mardi.

    I must apologise, I HAVE been visiting your blog, but with the new blogger change over, I was having major issues with signing in to post .... and you dont have your email addy on the blog

    so now I CAN go back and make comments on the posts I have TRIED to over the last month or 2 lol

  4. gorgeous Mardi- I WANT MORE TIME......
    just dont have the time to participate as much as i would like to (and if the kids would sleep a bit more....)
    still, going to check out the challenge

  5. Oh Mardi, I love mini-books. Aren't they the best! And yours look fantastic! Love it!

  6. Love the mini book Mardi, looks cool!

  7. Loved the mini book, great idea & sounds like a fantab. challenge & so true about everyday stuff, It's these things that we remember the most well IMO.
    Just think of all the extra scrap supplies u can buy with ur extra shift Mardi....* I can see a huge grin on ur face from way over here*

  8. Wow love the mini book it's a great idea. Will go and have a look at Janelles'.
    Hope your night shifts aren't too busy for you.
    Sharryn :)

  9. Gorgeous mini book! How great to have it completed so quickly too. Doesn't it feel great to complete a project!

  10. Mardi..that minibook of yours is absolutely gorgeous!!!!
    Hope work is being kind to you... and don't forget to reward yourself for the overtime..with extra scrap supplies of course!
    Have a fab week
    Love n Hugz

  11. Oh Mardi your mini album is totally gorgeous. I so wish I could hold it and read it closely. Can't wait to see your next one. I am so honoured to have inspired you to make this wonderful keepsake. x
