Super Quick post....

13 October 2006

...because any minute now..Ian will walk through the door and we will be off to Ardrossan to collect the kids.......Yay...luckily I remembered at about 11.30pm last night to tell Brent...I could just imagine him arriving home from work tonight to an empty house...yelling hello?....where is everyone? instead of the he said "Cool..I think Ill have friends around for drinks!"..... Uuh Uh!..Ive just spent the day cleaning the house...I do not want to come home to a mess. So he is under the threat of 'something nasty'..if there is mess!

Just something Ive been pondering..... why is it that my very favourite layouts are rejected....and my least favourites are accepted...does this mean my scrapbooking taste in up the putt...or ..well Im not sure...what could this mean? I really dont get it...does this happen to anyone else..... or am I the only one with absolutley no taste in scrapbooking.

I went to visit a Naturopath today ... I have felt "not 100%" for years....and I ache most of the time fact Im a complete whinge ass..... theres not much about me that does feel good....but usually I just get on with life and try not to let it bother I finally thought Id give a Naturopath another go.... Well Ive been the nicest possible fashion....Ive had my blood tested...seen all my little blood cells zooming around the slide under the microscope...Ive been hooked to the Magnograph..I think thats its name....and each and every test actually pointed to the very same cause of my problems....Ive got a yucky gut!...and a sickly liver.....(Well her terms where a little more Im starting the gut cleanse as of today
and when I go back in two weeks we will talk about proper nutrition for me.....I am so hopeful that this will make a huge difference to the way I feel.

Just finally...this is the little mini-book that I made to record all those lovely text messages the kids send me....... This way I can delete them off my phone but still treasure them. One in particular always makes me was from Mitchell and I received it at4pm on the Ist of July....I was at work...and my phone beeped with a message...this is what it said: " Can you tell Dad to get me some toot paper because I dont have his number (me stuck)" I had to phone Ian who was in the lounge room at home and ask him to take Mitchell a roll of toilet paper out to the toilet.....Ian and I are stll shaking our heads....LOL

Well Ian is home .... he has dumped his thermos in the sink and headed to the shower...must go

Lastly......I got a gorgeous RAK in the mail today from the lovely Toni (Scrapboxx) was so nice to have a package for me.....thanksyou.

Have a nice weekend.......

Mardi x


  1. love your quich posts Mardi!!
    I have tears in my eyes from laughing at Mitchs sms- cant wait to tell Al that one!!
    funny, i was thinking today, of visiting a natropath - i know what you mean about not feeling 'right'- ive just put it down to old age LOL. hope it helps you, keep us posted.
    have fun picking up your babies

  2. Anonymous5:04 pm

    Isnt it funny Mardi that we all end up so wrapped up in the kids that we put our own health off and like Jane said assume its just getting older!

    I have had a sore back for years and I assumed it was from being pregnant with the kids. My man said out of the blue one day, why dont you go see a Chiropractor and see if they can do anything?
    I was reluctant and scared but booked with one my Dad recommended and when I sat down to discuss me at my appointment I said, 'I dont have a bad back but every morning when I get up its very sore'. She laughed and said 'well I think thats a bad back'.

    Anyway she busily cracked away while she chatted and then helped me sit up, I thanked her, payed and left. As I walked down the stairs I felt SENSATIONAL and then I started crying and could not stop!

    I realised I had had this pain for all these years and could have done something about it and didnt realise.

    Sorry for the long winded post but when I read what you said I just thought you sounded just like me :)

    Your house will feel right [and be extremely clean] once you have your babies home.

    Have a great weekend

  3. Great little mini book :)

    I have not had any acceptances at all, so my taste must be reallly off LOL

    have a great weekend!

  4. Anonymous8:45 pm

    Hi Mardi, thinking of you driving to Ardrossan. I ahd a freind who lived there adn boarded at school with me. I went there for hols one Easter and loved it!

    On the accept reject note - I think it;s them ! I ahve had pages with 300+ views on 2Peas rejected and ones with as low as 23 accepted . Wierd!

  5. Anonymous8:46 pm

    Sorry about that. I am a shocking typist . I CAN actually spell!

  6. What a gorgoeus idea Mardi...recording texts messages that the kid's send u!....Cracked me up about Mitch!
    Hope all goes well with ur cleansing.
    Have a great weekend

  7. That is a kick-ass mini book! What an awesome idea. ROFL at Mitch's message. That is the funniest thing ever!!!!
    The naturopath sounds fantastic. How cool that they found something. Good luck with fixing your gut.
    I'm with you on the acceptances. Sometimes I'm embarrassed about the ones they accept! One of my favourite layouts was rejected several times from all three mags, and finally got accepted by the new NZ mag. I was stoked! Who knows how they decide on what ones to publish!

  8. I so love that mini album and the text Mitch sent you. Had me laughing so much that Craig was wondering what was so funny.

  9. That is such a funny story Madri, and now you will remember it for ever as it is in your mini book....

    Good luck with the Naturopath, hope you start to feel soon

    Take care
    Cherie xx

  10. Anonymous1:07 pm

    I swear by naturopaths! I am convinced Jamie wouldn't be here without mine :).

    LOL at the taste in scrapbooking. I find exactly the same thing. I think that you and I have similar styles and maybe the mags aren't into that look just yet. They, particularly SM, seem to prefer the look where the entire layout is covered.


  11. Oh thank you for the laugh Mardi. What an adorable txt from Mitch, and what a fab idea of keeping them all written down :).
    Glad to hear about the naturopath, be interested to hear how it goes. I have often wondered about those detox programes and have heard some awesome stories from them. Sometimes (like Rach said) it isn't untill your fixed that you realise how bad you were, like us all we put it down to old age (or should I say aging gracefully LOL).
    Hope the house is in one piece when you get home. Take care

  12. Anonymous6:39 pm

    Hi there Mardi

    I am happy I can now post replies on your blog, thanks for changing the settings to allow me (a non blogger) to respond here.

    I am sorry to read your not feeling 100%. I am sure the naturopath can help you.

    My husband and I used a naturopath's services when we had trouble getting pregnant (long story from way back in 1996 - 2000). She was amazing and her treatment and helpful advice did us the world of good. Not only did we finally have a successful pregnany but also improved our general health issues.

    I do hope your feeling much better soon. Take care sweetie:)

  13. Love the little text album Mardi, is such a cute idea and when you get text like that one, they definetly need to be recorded for ever LOL - was too funny.
    Goodluck with the Naturopath....

  14. Love the minibook Mardi..very cute and a terrific idea!
    Good on you for going to a Naturopath, hope the cleanse thing does a great job
    Have a great weekend hun, take care!
    Love n Hugz

  15. Anonymous1:40 pm

    rofl...that text message is just too funny!!!

  16. Hey chick :)
    Wouldn't be the dreaded FM giving you a hard time now would it?? I'm off to see a naturopath soon too..try it out.
    About the LO's..I thought I was the only one with this philosophy!! I got my very first acceptance in January for the ugliest LO I've ever, ever done!! I still find it hard to believe!!
    LOL @ Mitchs funny is that?? You gotta love 'em!!
    Take it easy

    Sharryn :)

  17. Anonymous12:11 pm

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