Waiting ...waiting...waiting.....

waiting for everything lately....its like hurry up and wait!

Im waiting for my Masters entry to arrive home....Im waiting to see the Masters book and drool over all the delicious work Ive been hearing about ......waiting for my Secret Santa to give me an address.....waiting to see if I get a SS gift ......waiting to Christmas day......waiting to Im on leave......waiting to see if I make it through this round of the Boxx DT (although I know the answer I think...lol)......waiting for the fairy to clean my house.....waiting to get my christmas cards done (although I have no idea why Im waiting..lol) waiting...waiting...waiting.

..but there is a bright spot.....I had a lovely surprise in Scrapbook Creations No 37 ..this month .... two layouts and one of them is a step by step...hehe.
The step by step layout was one of my favourites ....it was based on an email that the darling Kate wrote for Briony..... and I also should mention the photography was by Donna Stallan....who has always taken the most beautiful photos. I was really happy with how they presented it in SC...but the colours were a little off...it looked quite sepia including the photos...as you can see...it is very white IRL.

I also had another in the Quick Grabs - circles gallery ...titled 'Travel' ..this layout was for my BOM at the Boxx....

...and Ohhh...there are so many of my friends included in this issue....Julie is the artist in the spotlight....Janelle, Roz, Mel, Fleur... and probabaly heaps of others Ive missed in my flip through.

Well...thats enough for me today...Im off to wait some more....

...I should also add...Blogger isnt allowing me to make comments at the moment...Ive been visiting...writing lengthy comments and then having blogger not accept my password....what the? So Im waiting for Blogger to behave as well..... waiting ...waiting...waiting.....Mardi xx


  1. Anonymous12:02 pm

    Hey Mardi, I noticed your LO's all over the show in SC, just awesome!

    Good luck on the next round of the boxx dt comp!

  2. Anonymous12:51 pm

    I saw your layouts in the mag Mardi, and they look great!

    Good luck with all that waiting....I've never been very patient myself! :-)

    Megan xx

  3. Anonymous2:12 pm

    Hi Mardi, i received the masters sm in the mail yesterday, omg georgerous. I love the craft caddy. I don't know what you were talking aobut!!!!! Every entry was so different and unique!

    Loved the step by step btw!

    Good luck with scrapboxx DT.....

    Lisa A xxx

  4. Ive been having trouble commetning on some blogs too...grrrrrrr very frustrating..but oh well
    loved those layout in SC...specially the step by step one...well done

    good luck with the scrapboxx DT...my fingers are crossed for you

  5. I am having trouble with blogger too...........

    Cherie xx

  6. Anonymous9:20 pm

    Have fun waiting Mardi.LOL

    Loved your pages in the mag. Hope you get through to the next round on the box dt comp.

  7. Anonymous11:08 pm

    LOL, I'd be jumping from one foot to the other, with all that waiting!
    Love the project you had in SC. I don't get the mag - don't get any at the moment :( - so I'm glad you posted.
    Good luck with your Boxx DT entry!

  8. Anonymous10:29 am

    He he that sounds like me... wait, wait, wait! GRrrrr sucks hey!
    Looks I will have to get my butt into gear & go get SC...totally slack that I haven't got it I know!
    Have fun waiting!

  9. Anonymous10:29 am

    oops I forgot to add I love ur lo's!

  10. Mardi, I just love your style!! So fresh, funky and inspiring!

    I haven't seen SC yet though!

  11. Anonymous1:30 pm

    mardi - your work is always simply amazing. thanks for the inspiration.
    love lusi x

  12. Anonymous1:56 pm

    Hi Mardi,

    Thank you so much for your lovely comments re my Boxx DT work. I think your work has been just divine and I just love your layouts in your post here too - they are simply gorgeous.

    All the very best for round 5 of the Boxx DT comp!

    Love Sharon

  13. Anonymous2:01 pm

    Hi Mardi,
    Gorgeous LO's and I seen them in the mag too. I haven't gotten the Masters mag yet...maybe after chrissy ;) I have to cut down somewhere LOL.
    I've been having trouble blogging too. I think their server was down for a while but looks all better now.
    As for the waiting...I think it gets like that around xmas time doesn't it.
    Take care.
