Mitch turned 16.....

...on the 27th .... and two days later Im finally sharing his day...... keeping to my tradition of being fashionably late......

Well..... this is our quirky Mitch...the child with an endless sense of humour.....and the constant mischief..... how can he possibly be 16....and old enough to get a car licence???????

Poor Mitch had mixed up birthday...... thankfully Dad and Mum came for a visit (and are still visiting)..... as I was working night shifts....and Ian was away the night before...and most of his birth'day'. Mitch wanted another new fishing with an overcaster reel ..... so he was pleased with new rod...and some money to go with it (he immediatly spent some on a leather Billabong wallet he wanted)..... I think he was also impressed with the natty wrapping paper.... I took the rod and reel to work to wrap..... I meant to get wrapping paper and dress it up usual my plans went pear shaped ..... we had the busiest night ever.....worked solidly from 5pm until 4am....and then just as I was about to flop in the recliner I realised I had a present to wrap...... I hunted high and low at work for something appropriate and big enough to wrap this present..... and then I ingeniously decided to just 'bandage' it with a crepe Im not sure if Mitch had more fun with his rod...or his wrapping 'paper' ........ Mmmmm nice 'mummy' head Mitch.

Mum and Briony baked him a chocolate pudding instead of a cake.....on his we had candles in the pudding..... and that was Mitch's 16th birthday.

Today was back to school day........

Mitch started Senior Campus........and Briony began her first year.....
..they were both well prepared during the week before.....uniforms, books, shoes...... the night before lunches were packed, bags ready, uniforms ironed.......this morning they were both up just after 6am..... showered, dressed, fed and waiting by 7am.
I took the usual photographs..... making sure I captured Brionys new shoes..... new bag....walking our driveway to catch the bus..... (and then one from after school when she was worn out on the

.......anyhow to cut a long story short.....even though they were prepared 45mins before they needed to catch the bus.....they MISSED it!!!
I have no idea how.....not sure if the bus ran early.....if our clock was wrong...but with 10 minutes until I was being picked up for a work training day...I had a very miserable girl....who had missed the bus on her first day...... thankfully Brent was home and I was able to dig him out of bed....and he drove her for me...... and I just managed to get ready in time for lift to arrive. Funnily enough tonight she has told us that three of her friends...all at different stops...all missed it as well......makes you wonder.
So wish us luck for tomorrow...lets hope we dont miss it again....... oh...and poor Mitch arrived at Senior Campus and found he and his two best mates had all been seperated into different classes..... maybe he will actually concentrate this year.....well at least we can hope.

I downloaded Picasa tonigh..... photo collages are a breeze.

My SC #38 arrived in the mail.....Im looking forward to having a really good looks awesome!!

Brent visited the jobseeker centres again today..and begins a three week course on at least he wont be idle...

Well.....thats enough from me tonight.......
Mardi xx


  1. Well, better late that never with the post Mardi! Good to see Mitch had a great day :-)

    And bugger about missing the bus - and the other kids missing it too. Hmmm, wonder what time zone the bus driver was operating in....

    Megan xx

  2. The pics look fab Mardi. Glad that Mitch had a great day and that the first day back at school went ok apart from missing the bus.LOL

  3. great photos mardi
    I love picassa too - i should prob use it more often for the photo collages...but i use it to catalouge my photos
    Hope they catch the bus tomorrow

    Lauchie starts Kinder on very excited

  4. LOL at the tape for Mitch's present, and sorry but lol about the bus, i was a regular at running for the bus every mornign def not 45mins early LOL,

    the photos are great!

  5. Looks like Mitch had a great Birthday........

    Great Photos of Briony on her first day.........hope she has better luck with the bus today!!

    Takl soon
    Cherie xx

  6. WOW Mardi, what a busy time you have had. Mitch looks like a grown up man, and I love the crepe bandage wrapping paper!
    Briony looked fabulous for her first day of high school, how cool is that!
    How do you do photo collages in picasa? I have it but use the effects more than anything.

  7. hi Mardi- busy times hey!! hope the kids got the bus okay today
    happy birthday to Mitch too :)

  8. Happy birthday Mitch.
    Love the photos of him and Briony.
    LOL at the wrapping paper.
    Loved your LOs in SC. Still have to have a decent look through, but it looks great.

  9. rofl @ your wrapping paper, sounds so much like something I would do.

    Happy Birthday Mitch.

    Wow, something must have been up with that School bus? Not good enough hey!!!!!

  10. Anonymous12:25 pm

    Did the school bus driver sleep in on the first day Mardi?

    Love the photo collages.
