.... wahhhhh!!..I dont want to go back to work...snivvle

.....one more sleep..... and Im back in my greens.....ahhhh...work...blahhh! ...Sorry...major whinge over.....its a neccessity ...just like eating and breathing....so no point whining.

Well..... gorgeous Jahnava has emailed me some piccies from Saturday..... if anyone has any other Id love a copy ...there is lots of people I didnt get any photos with...silly me left my camera in the car..... I was far to excited to remember my camera....lol
So I have photos with the gorgeous Zina ...... and with Jahnava and Michelle (Scraphappy Mel) ...as you can see...Im definatly on the short side...but Im not alone...he he
Mmmm...not much to report really...... the school books are purchased.... and the covering has begun..... Im actually starting to think it will be lovely to get some kids back into school..... Im almost a little over holidays....is there such a thing as too much bonding?
Ok...thats enough from me today..... I have a list as long as my arm...and want to acheive at least something today...lol
...oh..and Tammy I had a giggle at you with your new fridge...I can totally relate...thats what Im like at the mooment....I just keep opening the door and gazing in wonder..... Ahhhhh....my new fridge!
Mardi xx


  1. Mardi those photos are fabulous! Lol at you leaving your camera in the car - you must have been seriously excited about the classes!!

    You all look so beautiful!

    Megan xx

  2. Anonymous2:25 pm

    Leaving your camera in the car Miss Mardi...geez, I dunno...another "Mardi Moment" for the weekend...hehe...just teasing!!! ;D

    I love these ones that Jahnava sent you - you girls sure are lookers, Megan's right!;P

    Yuk...work is such a drag when you come back from holidays. I hope you don't have to work nught shift, too! I am sure that it'll fly and you'll be back home in no time though :o)

    Love ya and chat soon!

    Love Karen xoxo

  3. Anonymous2:26 pm

    Ah, I meant to write "night" shift, not "nught" shift! Sorry for my typo Mardi!

  4. Hehehe Theres me lol, those photos some how look familiar ;-) Im back to work to for the first time in a month and a half on thursday ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can u hear me screaming!

  5. Look at you - you gorgeous little thing. You look SO happy and I am thrilled that you had sucha wonderful time too. You look SO excited too, I am not surprised you left your camera in the car LOL...

    Can't wait to see you scrap these photos too.

    xx Janelle

  6. Hey you!
    I am so jelous that i couldnt have been there on Saturday! NEXT TIME!
    How r u? Back to work hey..bugger.
    Let me know when you have a spare day..luv to catch up.
    Take it easy...
    Luv Belinda

  7. Sounds like you had a fabulous time at creative edge Mardi, and a fabulous holiday.
    Boo about going back to work....but you need to fund the habit somehow, necessary evil, LOL
    Great to have you back Mardi!

  8. Mardi how could you wish your children back to school!! Have fun at work! We are living in Melbourne at the moment so it is nice to keep in touch with your family.

    lots of love Leanne and Lucy xxoo

  9. Anonymous10:07 pm

    yucky, yucky work huh! As Dee pointed out a necessary evil to fund the habit I'm afraid. I'm looking forward to having one of my children home once school goes back! He's been over friends and girlfriend's house most of the holidays?! I wonder if he's trying to tell me something LOL.
    Just quietly between you and me...I've had my fridge about 6 months now and I still love to gaze inside and marvel at all the room that I can fill up on shopping day PMSLOL
    Take care Mardi
    Tammy X

  10. Look at you all. Wasn't it a great weekend? So glad I got to meet you.

  11. oh- what fun it looks like you had
    using Zina as a tape measure (LOL) i would say we are about the same height- i belong to the shorty brigade too!
    love the layouts you did in class too- hope the transition back to work goes smoothly and quietly for you:)

    ps im soooo jealous that you have a new fridge LOL

  12. Don't worry, I'm probably even shorter lol.

    Yep, I hear you on the holidays...I reckon four weeks should be the length of the Chrissy holidays. I enjoyed the first four, the last stretch has been too much lol.
