just have to laugh.....

Brent turns 18 ... requests Pizza and chocolate pudding for tea...... then leaves for Waikerie with Alex.

The rest of us prepare his birthday meal....Ian and Briony drive over to Berri to order and collect Pizza..... Mitchell and I bake the chocolate pudding...and answer each and every birthday phonecall.... Ian arrives is waiting on the bench...chocolate pudding is in the oven.....Brent is still missing.

Finally....the back door rushes Brent .... "cant to get to the drive in" .... we eat alone...photograph his pudding without him.... clean up... and sigh!.... happy 18th
Ian and I sort of wait up.... around 11pm Ian receives an SMS.."Im going back to Waikerie" ..... and that was it....Phoosh!!... his 18th was over!!
...he stumbles in today at 4pm..... apparently had a good night..... dishes up a humungous bowl of Chocolate pudding ...and mutters something about feeling bad....

..anyway...its his birthday.... and you can only laugh at how disposable we have become....and then on the other hand be so grateful he still comes home....even if he is late.
So I did manage to scrap a bit today.....

Have a super duper Saturday...
Mardi x


  1. Anonymous6:06 pm

    LOL what a funny situation Mardi:)

    I love these new layouts. I always enjoy seeing what you have been making. Thanks for sharing. You inspire me a lot xxoo

  2. Lol at Brent's birthday. Oh dear. I feel for you guys!

    Love your new pages. Esp the one of Mitch.

  3. Anonymous8:07 pm

    grrrrrrrrreat LOs again!!
    oh, what i have to look forward to with teenagers hey!- hope he liked the pudding :)(and it alswys tatses better the next day LOL)

  4. Oh gotta laugh!
    Your least he comes home...even if it is late.
    Well...I managed to get some scrapping done today, and i feel really geared up for more now. All i need to do now is find the time!
    I scrapped a picture of a great friend of'll have to check out my blog and see. Hope you don't mind me uploading it!
    Have a great Sunday...

  5. Oh no Mardi!!! You know I remember being like that....I was a bugger of a kid though....not like yours!

    Your layouts are outstanding as usual!
    Megan xx

  6. Anonymous11:03 pm

    Oh :( this is what I have to look forward to isnt it Mardi?
    Glad he came home of course but shame you guys missed it or he did .... oh you know what I mean :)

    Love your new artwork and now unfortunately I feel like chocky pudding :o)

  7. Anonymous8:30 am

    SUPER Layouts as usual Mardi!!!

    LOL about the pizza and chocolate pudding....I suppose I will have this to look forward to when my boys reach 18 LOL!!!


  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE the layouts Mardi.....

    Glad Brent had a great day......

    Have a great Sunday

    Cherie xx

  9. Oh no...what a hard situation hey!! But like you said, at least he comes home...eventually. And at least he sent a text to let you know where he is..

    Love your layouts btw.

  10. Oh to be a self-centred teenager again. LOL. Poor you.
    Lovin' all your new layouts. I feel quite inspired to do something seeing all these, but absolutely no time. Isn't it always the way?

  11. Anonymous5:47 am

    I just have to say being a huge chipboard fan and all that I love your Fair i think not goodness!!! What a fantastic way to use the undressed chipboard......any chance that you mind if I use this idea myself some time?
