Mitch in the middle..

23 June 2007

..the mad scientist....always constructing things.... shaving sparklers... mixing bi-carb with vinegar... creating rockets powered this morning a hot air balloon... un-fortunately even though the photographer was there for the maiden crashed and burned.... quite spectacularly
I guess its back to the drawing board... another day in the life of the scientist... or perhaps I should call him an engineer... Mmmm..

...and while I'm on the topic of Mitch.... a layout using those Heidi Swapp masks again... I think I'm tired of them now... but they were a bit of fun...and they seemed perfect for the title of this layout.... even though Mitch just shook his head and said" its talk to the hand...because the face ain't listening mum... not ears" Oh well...

Mardi x


  1. Anonymous2:17 pm

    i love your layouts mardi and i am glad you added your published layouts to a section of their own on your blog-now i have easy access to inspiration,thanks heaps lea

  2. Oh I thought it was ears not face too! The masks look really cool. I'm not over seeing them yet!

    LOL at Mitch's scientific adventures!

  3. Ahh it's so good to have an interest and be allowed to run with it! How much fun is it to be a kid and learning all this fun stuff, and seeing what reactions you get when you do certain things (both from the items AND your parents lol). Great photos Mardi!

    And your layout - your layouts are always so bold and fabulous.

    Megan xx

  4. Anonymous5:59 pm

    hee hee glad all those tiles are coming in so handy. Poor Mitch with his rocket
    btw- I sent an email yesterday- did you get it, i think we are having a few probs with our emails- grrr

  5. Your layout look great Mardi! (as always!) What a shame Mitch's experiment didn't work.... how frustrating!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Sheree xx

  6. Anonymous10:09 pm

    WTG Mitch :) Even though it didn't work at least he gives them a try and I'm sure he is already trying to work out the bugs Love your LO and the masks look fabbo!

    Congratulations on winner my 100th blog post competition. I've finished doing your LO, your photo's were fabulous and I can't wait to send it to you ;)
    I'll upload a sneak peak on my blog tomorrow :)

  7. Wow that is one spunky LO Mardi, love it!
    Love his little hot air balloon, sorry it burned up DOH!

  8. Anonymous9:18 pm

    Love these lo's Mardi! I especially love the 'talk to the hand' photo. Very very cool.
