
21 September 2007

.... yesterday was a big Birthday day in our house..... for both Ian and Alex.
I arrived home from work at 7am and was greeted by a very excited Alex..... fully showered and dressed....and bouncing like an excited puppy.... so I barely had time to make a coffee before it was present she is opening a pressie from my Mum and Dad.... already wearing the bath robe we gave her.... over the top of her clothes....
I also made her this framed photo for her room.... its such a lovely photo of her and Brent..
I was only thinking to myself.....that at this age...I was moving to Qld with Ian.... we packed up all our belongings in a 3ft x3ft trailer (yes it was tiny).... all our worldy goods.... a portable TV... a Stereo ... and my glory box..we had a lot to learn..... and thinking back...we really owned nothing much at all.
....and then it was Ians turn.... he wasn't quite as excited as Alex.... no jumping up and down like a puppy for him (especially seeing as he has a head cold at the moment) ...but good old Mum cooked him a delicious Beef and Marsala casserole... and a ginger fluff cake..... and we sang him a beautiful version of "Happy Birthday"... bringing tears to his eyes.... well not really... but I still think we sounded very thats is for the birthdays in our house....all done and dusted until next year....
Mardi x


  1. Anonymous2:04 pm

    Sounds like heaps of fun in your household with birthdays! I also love your banner!

  2. happy birthday to Ian and Alex!!

  3. Happy birthday Alex!!!

    Happy birthday Ian!!!!

    Mardi the framed photo you did for Alex is just so beautiful. And yes it is such a great photo of them both.

    Alex looks so happy - just how it should be! And I hope the tears in Ian's eyes were from complete joy and not because of the high notes lol. I think Happy Birthday is the HARDEST song in the world to sing!

    Megan xx

  4. Anonymous7:28 pm

    Hi! i do love a ginger fluff cake. Haven't had one in years. My aunt makes the best ones. i wonder if they are a south Australian thing cause I have only ever heard ogf them there.

  5. Happy birthday Ian and Alex!
    Wow - imagine you guys moving so far away, so young! I hope you haven't told Brent and Alex that. Don't give them any ideas!
    PS - I've never heard of ginger fluff cake. Sound like another morning tea is in order. ;)

  6. ooohh mardi that frame is GORGEOUS!
    Beautiful photo, gogeous choice of papers and products and so beautifully put together. I bet Alex loved it.

  7. Anonymous5:19 pm

    I just love your work Mardi. That canvas is gorgeous!

  8. Hey Mardi,
    Busy as usual I c.
    Happy birthday to Alex & Ian!
    Well done to Briony for her win of the B&F.
    ROFLMAO @ Brent's bird conversation!
    Fantab. lo's as usual!!!!
    catch up soon

  9. Anonymous9:00 am

    Belated birthday wishes to Ian and Alex!!!

  10. happy birthday....

    just love that Framed LO Mardi....just stunning!!!
