...after the storm...

...came the fires.... lightning started a fire on an island in the River near Cobdogla ...at first it was contained..... but then as the temperature soared into the 40's and the wind picked up it spread.... crossing the river and created a huge natural clean up.... now thats my version....here is what the ABC reported on their website this morning...

"Lightning starts Riverland scrub fire

Posted Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:46pm AEDT

The Country Fire Service (CFS) says a fire burning at Cobdogla in South Australia's Riverland region was probably started by a lightning strike.

The blaze is burning in a peninsula of scrub land at Bruno Bay, a boat launching area in the River Murray town.

The CFS says the fire is not posing a threat to lives or property - but residents in Cobdogla, Kingston-on-Murray and Barmera are advised to close all doors and windows. "

So..... being the interested photographer I am.... I took a drive..... Alex joined me in the morning and we took these photos from the lookout near the Kingston OM bridge...

...and then in the afternoon....the temperature was in the mid 40's....and the wind gusted up.... this was the view from our backyard....
...and from the United service station as Ian filled my car with fuel..... lady muck me....sat in comfort ...snapping photos through the car window...hehe
... this was taken in Cobby.... looking out toward the swamp..... the flames were that close...but no danger....as there is nothing on the swamp to burn anyway.

...and by the time I left for work......the smoke was thinker again.....
Looking out the window this morning...Id say it has burnt itself out.... we have nice clear skies again....even though the smell of smoke is still strong...

It seriously makes me wonder what the state (or country) is in for this year....thats our first summer storm...and we have a fire....we have months of this in front of us.... scary really.


  1. Great reporting Mardi.....lol....and great photos too

    I too are really scared at the thought of the fire season this year.

    Take care and chat soon
    Cherie xx

  2. Hi Mardi
    You got some great photos..and scary ones too..the fire seemed so close to your house!

  3. It really is a scary thing to think about Mardi - and that fire seemed a little too close to your house for comfort! Let's hope this summer isn't going to be too bad!

    Sheree xx

  4. Anonymous5:14 pm

    Goodness me!!!

  5. Mardi fires are so frightening aren't they? I am pleased you are all safe though. Great photos though!

    Megan xx

  6. Anonymous9:39 pm

    We've had a few fires here recently... Isn't it eerie when the sun is trying to shine through a cloud of smoke
