...hoping for a good week..

19 November 2007

... hoping for the housework fairy to visit (and like us soooo much...she decides to stay)...hoping for a lotto win (doesn't need to be huge.....just enough to drop from full time work to part time).... hoping for a smooth sailing week (no last minute rushes...) .... thats not too much to ask surely.

Well...last week was a busy one as usual.... Mitch spent the week working with a Painter on work experience.... he enjoyed it... but I'm not sure painting is for him... he found the preparation tedious......but I may be wrong...
He car pooled with Brent over to Renmark some days...and on Monday and Friday... he drove himself.... eeeeeeek...thats my Mitch..and thats my car.... turning onto the highway at the end of our driveway.... I held my breath for the next hour....until I was certain I would have heard if anything had gone wrong.....but of course...he was fine..... there was also excitement when his official license arrived in the mail.....there is nothing like a piece or hard plastic to make it seem 'really' real ...and yes...that is a "Hurry up Mum...this is stupid!!"...look on his face.Brent.... we have hardly seen (ohh...but we have seen plenty of evidence he is around.....like dirty clothes....cereal bowls... Cd's...empty drink and food wrappers)....he has been either at work....playing bingo or poker with mates....or over at Waikerie hanging out with Alex's brothers.....poor Alex on the other hand has been juggling two jobs.... and the last two mornings has had to get up at 3am to be in Renmark for a 5am start...... I worry about her.... she needs to eat and sleep more.

Briony has had a Briony kind of week..... school....basketball and practice.... msn... friends over to swim... homework....and she has helped me out with washing and folding... please dont keel over at the sight of our family room... but to come home on Saturday night from work...and see all of this folded and divided into piles....just made me happy....Thankyou Babe.Well....I have been scrapping...and stitching....and sewing....but the majority of it has been for Kim's Christmas Extravaganza..... so Ill share all of that later..... but I did take up the weekly challenge at the Scrapboxx this week... Nic challenged us to scrap some Summer photos....and so IO scrapped this layout of the kids in the pool....I used some bubble wrap (and I know I'm far from the first person to use this.....its popular at the moment....give it a go!) for the background....and I loved the bright summery colours...
thats it for me...I'm off to welcome the housework fairy.... M


  1. I love the look on Mitch's face...that's priceless.
    What a good little helper you have...maybe Briony could do my ironing on Thursday! :)
    Crossing my fingers that you have a good week too.

  2. If you happen to get a visit from the housework fairy could you ask her to pop over my place for a little while? lol! At least you've got a little help with the folding...

    Love your pool layout - the fun, bright colours look awesome! Can't wait to see what you've been creating for Kim's site.. what I've seen so far is just fantastic!

    Hope you do have a great week and that a few of your hopes come true!

    Sheree xx

  3. Anonymous1:03 pm

    Ah when the housework fairy has a spare minute perhaps you could send her to my place? No? hmmmmm....;)
    Just joking. Isn't Briony just gorgeous for folding the washing! Such a small chore but one less that you have to do. I don't think kids realise that helping just a little takes a huge strain from us mums! WTG Briony :)
    LOL at Mitch and his 'real'drivers liscence...what a gret photo!!
    Love your pool LO but you know that already! Love the bubble wrap technique. I never get the bubble wrap away from the kids long enough to use it myself :D
    Take care

  4. Anonymous7:28 am

    Love reading about your day-to-day stuff with your teenagers as well. I can so relate! Yep, ocaasionally they can surprise you with a job or task that they do and it makes such a difference!

    I also have a P'plater and I cringe every time she gets in her car.

    And I'm sure the housework fairy would be more than welcome at my place at the moment.

  5. I love your family updates. Love that layout too - so gorgeous and summery.

    Say hi to the housework fairy for me. :)

  6. I love reading your family updates!!!
    Oh and hurry up with that housework fairy..she's needed, desperately, at my place!!
