Have I said...

how much I LOVE Craftymatters ceramic embellishments ? Well I do! ...I love that they are unique... I love that they are handmade...and I love that they add a little bit of something different to whatever they are attached to.

So I know thats a big plug....but its true!!

Ohhh...and the newest show and tell is up....check it out here... there are some really cool ideas!
...and so what did I contribute?

this... a framed wall layout inspired by Ali Edwards.... (Im taking no credit for the idea at all) I had loved this idea from the very first time I saw it....and I finally had the perfect opportunity to give it a go.
...and my other contribution......this cute little mini album.....which I'm also not taking all the credit for either....as I first made one of these in a class with the gorgeous.... Belinda Venables.... (Belinda...so you remember this one?.... Basic Grey labels and Lil Davis ribbon?)So....a big thanks to Jane for having me as a contributor this year.... my love affair with ceramic embellishments is still going strong.


  1. So I think you might be quite fond of Crafty Matters?

    Your stuff is gorgeous. What's inside the book? Show me more!

  2. I'm still yet to try the Crafty Matters...I need to put that on my shopping list for next time!
    OMG..yes...I do remember those mini books. I admit that I did have to think for a second or two...wow...that's a while ago now!

  3. Anonymous4:55 pm

    Thank you for the inspiration - I have spent the afternoon making the Ali Edwards inspired frame!!! I have had the frame for ages and now it's hanging on the wall - my first Christmas decoration up!!
    Love visiting you blog for ideas.

  4. Beautiful creations Mardi, even if the original idea wasn't yours - you've added your own special person touch through your photos and style, and they both look great.

    I hope you have a great weekend,
    Megan xx

  5. Gorgeous Mardi!! I really love that Christmas frame... and your mini book is so cute!

    Have a great weekend!

    Sheree xx

  6. Anonymous9:02 pm

    They look fab! Especially that framed LO! I have never used ceramic embies myself. They look great though. What about the breakage factor? Do you worry?
    x Moi

  7. LOve the frame
    Love the mini book

    and LOVE crafty matters

  8. Ooh, I love your Christmas stuff. That little album is to-die-for!

  9. Anonymous10:59 am

    hi Mardi
    so glad you LOVE your Crafty Matters- i always love seeing what you do with them :)


  10. I'm a fan of Jane and Crafty Matters stuff too :o)
    always love seeing your work Mardi!!

  11. Anonymous4:35 pm

    WOW! Totally love the framed LO and the little mini book is soooo cute :)
