Meet Matilda..

We have a brand new addition to the family ... (for this week anyway.)
Becasue......Briony is the proud new Mum of a simulator baby named Matilda.

Luckily she only woke twice last night.... so thats not too bad....considering Hannah's (Brionys friends) woke 12 times one night....eeeek

 The biggest hurdle so far has been sourcing a babysitter while she went to work....I'm a mean Mum...I didn't want the responsibility.....and Alex didn't want to be first to break its neck....not that she would.... but its fragile in the neck region and Alex wasn't taking any chances.
So in the end Jarrad's sister Chelsea got the honour....and everyone was happy....

I wonder how much sleep we will get tonight....

Footnote : Its been an interesting week so far.....Matilda isn't a particularly good sleeper.....she wakes a lot throughout the night.....and although it isn't me who has to deal with does wake me.
So I had a chuckle when I read Brionys log .... she has to record the times and actions taken when she tends to the baby..... one of the columns asks "How does it affect others?" ....and for every occasion throughout the night she has written..... "It doesn't....they are sleeping" ....WHAT?????? I felt like adding "That's what she thinks!!"


  1. LOL, good luck. If it's anything like Jamie was in the first three months you won't get much ;)

  2. I love this idea! That photo of Briony is gorgeous, she has the most beautiful eyes!

  3. Well I hope Matilda didn't wake 12 times last night. Wow...that hurts just thinking about it! LOL Hope she's being a good 'baby'! I'm sure Briony is handling it all like a natural!

    Sheree xx

  4. Anissa12:31 pm

    Kayla our daughter had one of those dolls and boy was she noisy. She cried all night long and than one day she stopped! She had a fault..the teacher had to come out and fix her at home and she still didnt work so we got a new baby..hehe...didnt deter her from having babies as she is now 24 weeks pregnant..Nanna is I. Hope you are well x
