You Capture - In the kitchen

Its been awhile since Ive participated.... damn holidays... getting in the way of me and my 'You Capture'

So....jumping back on the wagon this week for the 'In the Kitchen' assignment...... and a photo of the yummiest chocolate mud cup cakes Ive ever made..... these babies melted in our mouths....and possibly added inches to our hips....but they were sooooooooo good.


  1. Oh Mardi, they look sooo good!! I put a recipe on my blog for white choc mud cupcakes, super yummy too!!!

  2. Oh they look sooooooo good Mardi!!! Yummo!!!

  3. oh yummmmm Mardi the look delish!!

    I have not participated in you capture for a while either, things have been to busy, must get back into it too

    Have a great week
    Cherie xx

  4. YUMMY!!! Oh they look so delicious Mardi!

    Sheree xx
