Making my home more like 'Mardi'....

I love our home...
I feel so lucky to have a new one....built especially for us...
....but what I wasn't loving so much was all our white walls.

Building our home.... coincided with my little health issue....
life was hectic with medical trips to Adelaide.... work and the added pressure 
of making decisions regarding the house.

I loved building....and I love choosing.....but in hindsight I possibly didn't give some things as much attention as I could have....not that I had a second of free time to give.

One of my choices was all white walls....and all white tiles....I love my tiles....but I'm bored with white walls.
Ive finally accepted that I'm  a colours kinda  girl....
so I'm listening to my heart..... and adding some colour.

It will take me a while to slowly repaint....
One room at a time....
On a budget....

I began with the en suite....
It seemed a pretty achievable place to begin....
So my white walls became a lovely 
shade of brown called

I added some cheap frames...
and some prints that I downloaded and printed from this very generous site..

It certainly feels a lot more like Mardi...
even though I want to search out some more pretties to display on my shelf...and the vanity.


  1. It looks fantastic and very "Mardified" are going to have so much fun and just doing one room at a time is not so overwhelming....can't wait to see updates....that is my plan when the kids do up one room at a to all

  2. I LOVE that colour you've used on the wall Mardi...and the cute little prints and shelf finish it off perfectly! Looking forward to seeing more progress pics! :)

    Sheree xx

  3. they are awesome Mardi thanks for the link!!!!

    Love your colour scheme.

    Mel xx

  4. Allie9:39 pm

    Wow, I really love the colour combo of the white/brown with the touch of turquoise. Very fresh.

    I want to do our house too. It is all cream bar a couple of feature walls and I'd love to put more colour into it. I will be watching your progess with interest LOL

  5. Anonymous1:17 pm

    Great idea making some little changes one room at a time.

    Have fun decorating. Your small prints and cute shelf items look wonderful so far, well done.

    I really enjoyed seeing your recent NZ holiday photos, so glad you all had fun. I went to NZ way back in 1990 and really want to go again someday.

    Have a fun and safe week. From Susan (smiles1965) xxoo

  6. Anonymous8:04 pm

    Love your use of colour!
    You can always do feature walls if you don't want to do the lot ...
