What can I say....

.....other than it was WICKED!

I'm so grateful that Ian tortured himself through a musical on my behalf...
because I loved it....the story...the costumes...the humour....and the atmosphere.

Ian says they sang a little too much for him....
and that he has fulfilled his musical quota for the remainder of his life... bless him.


  1. Wow, I'm impressed that Ian went! Sounds like he shares Dave's musical-appreciation LOL.

    I bet you loved it!!!! I haven't seen it but I'd love to. My sisters and parents have seen it and loved it.

  2. Oh I'd love to go and see that! I've never been to any musicals but I'm determined to get to one eventually! So good to hear how much you enjoyed it!

    Sheree xx

  3. Good on Ian, my dh wouldnt come with us I loved it but thought it were about half an hour too long. My girls disagree, they wished it could have gone on all night.
