What I wore Wednesday....

and this week I get the chance to share a few of the clothes I mentioned here.

Cream top from Temt - a gorgeous gift from Janelle
Aqua cardi - Op shop
Denim Jacket - Op shop
Temt skirt - Op shop
Duo boots - yep.... there's those boots again.
Cutest owl necklace from Cotton on....another generous gift from Janelle.

Its been such fun sharing.....and a big thanks from  Janelle and I to all those who are joining in.

I've loved  the outfits Yvette has shared as well as her sister Charlotte who has added a cool twist...
....thanks so much girls.
Mardi x


  1. I just LOVE this outfit on your Mardi. It looks gorgeous with the aqua cardi too, good thinking LOL. This is so much fun sharing our outfits, thanks so much xxx Janelle

  2. Another gorgeous outfit Mardi! Thankyou for sharing

  3. Just gorgeous colours... and the owls are so cute (are you sure your not Nina off Offspring?)

  4. Wow you two did SO well at the op shops! That's fantastc! Your owl necklace is gorgeous!!

    I feel the same about my two pairs of boots. "Yep, there they are AGAIN!" But they're gorgeous and so practical! I love yours!

  5. You look GORGEOUS Mardi!! Love that colour cardi on you! Happy birthday for the other day too..sorry I missed it! Sounds like you had a wonderful and happy day! Take care :))xx

  6. I really like this outfit Mardi, very funky.
