Thrifty Thursday....

I don't now how the bottom doesn't fall out of our plate drawer!

I may just have a bit of a plate addiction happening....

but I just couldn't resist these...
They are made in Spain and called 'the young range'

There were only 4 dinner size and 3 side plates.. for $5.50

It was such a pity when I dropped and smashed one on the tiles...
but I guess the up side is.... we now have an equal 3 of each.
I hope you found some treasures to make you happy this week too.


  1. Anonymous9:11 am

    aww these are so sweet, shame you dropped one..and your outfit was very sweet yesterday ;) I have put my blog post up for thifty thursday have a great day xx

  2. LOVE the vintage florals, I'm not surprised you couldn't resist, they must make you smile every time you see one :)

  3. Anonymous11:57 am

    LOVE them Mardi. And the best thing about the vintage plates...they're made so much stronger than the cheapie ones from Kmart and Target which just chip and crack after a few washes by the kids. I'm slowing replacing mine with mismatched vintage ones!

  4. Oh these are lovely Mardi! Love that pretty pattern on them!

    Sheree xx
