My Parps....

I just quickly wanted to mention how much I LOVE my Papa....We all do!
He is a father of 3..
grandfather of 9...
great grandfather of 26
and great great grandfather of 2

He has been such a huge part of my life over the years.
During my childhood on the farm....I saw him almost every day....then as the years went by we just cherished the visits we had together. 

So...when I heard Mum and Dad and my Aunt and Uncle were planning a visit...
I made a last minute decision....booked flights and joined them...

I'm so very grateful that I did....

I got the chance to spend some time with him....
and tell him how much I love him.

Its such a shame there is so much distance between us.....
but we both know that we are always together in our hearts.
How lucky am I.


  1. I'm so glad you made the trip Mardi. xo

  2. Very lucky I am guessing. x

  3. What a beautiful post Mardi. So special that you've been able to spend some time together.

    Sheree xx
