31 - 6 January....

This week we.....

played golf...
 started stitching a quilt.....
 made the girlies some PJs....
dusted off our bikes for some evening rides...
 began a smoothie challenge.....
made some delicious salads....
began planning my monthly 2013 album...
worked on some upcoming etzcetera lovelies...
sweltered through 40+ degree heat....
squeezed my nectarines every day to see if they were ripe yet?
began a new running program....
tried out Mitch's old orthotics in my shoes to see if they help my hip.


  1. busy week.i love how you collaged your photo.what program do you use?love dee x

    1. Thanks Jenny and Dee....
      I love the collage program too...the one I use is from here and is wonderful http://www.halinav.com/blog/2010/04/lightroom-collage/
      It works in Lightroom though....so no good if you don't have Lightroom.

      I just googled free photoshop collage templates and quite a few came up.....so well worth a look .... I'm sure there would be something equally as good available.

      Hope that helps
      Mardi x

  2. A beautiful and productive week Mardi... the photos are gorgeous... was wondering the same as Dee... your collages are wonderful... have another happy week...

    Jenny ♥

  3. ooooh I love how you are doing this!!!!!!! A nice photo collage plus a little list of what you did - perfect for project life.. Loved reading about your week Mardi and thank you for all the pretty lovelies for the workshop too!!!

    1. You read my mind Kim....
      I am hoping to add some of these to very simple 8.5 x 11 layouts for the inners of my Project life (which is monthly...not weekly...as there is no way I can commit to finishing one each week...lol)
      Mardi x

  4. ooooh I love how you are doing this!!!!!!! A nice photo collage plus a little list of what you did - perfect for project life.. Loved reading about your week Mardi and thank you for all the pretty lovelies for the workshop too!!!
