Gosh I was tired Tuesday night.... I had just finished off two crazy and busy night shifts ... my mind was tired....my body was tired and I was so eager for bed.
I settled myself with my usual routines..as always including Essential Oils .. Lavender on my pillow... Vetiver on my wrists... then I got into a comfy position...closed my eyes.. and BING! My mind just wouldn't stop.... it was racing..totally energised and full of ideas and absolute clarity. (If only my body had felt the same.) I could so clearly visualise my life ... the aspects that make me happy... as well as all the areas that need a little attention. I eventually fell asleep... but all day yesterday I couldn't shake the thoughts....so I'm dot pointing them here.
- Gather... grow and preserve.... a focus on home grown food ... my vegetable garden.. seasonal food preparation and preserving.
On my immediate list is to replant my strawberry bed... mulch and replant my front garden .. decide what to plant in some recycled concrete pots .. something edible and perennial would be my first choice. Suggestions welcome. - Simplify and consolidate my wardrobe with a particular focus on my favourite colour pallete... I am thinking a Pinterest Mood Board might be useful for this. I would also love to incorporate more handmade items.
- Stay tuned for some new items in my my Simply Mardi Etsy store - I have some wonderful new ideas inspired by our recent Winnie the motorhome travels.
- Focus on my office/ craft space ...I have slowly 'minimalised' and stripped back our home ... but this area really needs some attention still. I have the vision...so thats on the list soon.
Other areas needing my attention are -
- Memory keeping
- Blog refresh
- Quilt plans
- Gym membership
- Essential Oil admin and catch-ups