Simply Loving These #25

5 Things on my radar this morning.....

1. I am really keen to give these 2 ingredient Flat breads a try.

2. Have you explored your Enneagram type? Have you read a book on the topic?
I have only recently taken a quiz to discover what (I believe) is my number ....I am super keen to learn more.

3. I recently made my first 'Big Patch Quilt' ... a pattern by Susan of  Hopewood Home ... its a really quick and simple pattern... and the perfect way to showcase larger prints... and vintage pieces.

4. Do you D.I.Y any of your home / personal products?
One of my favourites is:


In an appropriate sized jar pack in some makeup remover pads (they shrink down so pack them in.)
In a jug mix together:
  • 1 tablespoon of distilled (or boiled and cooled) water
  • 1 tablespoon Fractionated Coconut Oil
  • 1 tablespoon of Witch Hazel
  • 3 drops of Tea Tree
  • 3 drops of Lavender
Pour this over the top and allow it to soak through the pads... viola!
I have some more ideas HERE .. and HERE 

5. I have been enjoying watching  'Trying' on Apple TV... its feel good and entertaining.


  1. I often wonder what enneagram type I am. One day I will have the spare money (or one month I wont buy all the oils) and I might do one of the tests. Or maybe I will look into one of the books. I am curious to see if you end up getting one and what you think of it :)
    I have made a note of your makeup wipes too as I have been meaning to make up some and had been to lazy to look for a recipe! Its like you read my mind!
    Have a great day Mardi. I love when you do a blog post! :)

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment Bec.... I took a free quiz to discover what is most likely my number (2) ... it was from here -
      I would now love a book to really dive into it more.
      Good luck with the makeup wipes too....I ran out...and really missed the convenience of them.
