Handmade Wardrobe - Batch Sewing

Over the last few months Ive noticed I really like to 'batch my sewing projects'. It seems to work really well for me and I have been far more productive this way. When I say 'batch' I just mean I like preparing a pile ready and then sewing those before thinking about the next things.

Here is my most recent pile that Ive 'batched' and sewn...

  1. The first step is to decide what patterns I want to make and match them up to some fabric. I am trying really hard to stitch up some of the fabrics I have in my stash rather than buy new. Oh and I started a sewing journal this year...so Ive been making notes and jotting down ideas throughout which helps with this  process. I have also been recording all my makes and the sizing issues / successes... and  adjustments for next time. I hope this will lead to far more success in the future.

    From this pile I had decided to make (top to bottom) -
    Pietra Shorts by Closet Core
    Snow Top by Jules Smit
    Bestie Bag by Blackbird Fabrics
    Tote Bag by Core Fabrics
    Orchard Dress by Helens Closet
    Lane Pants by Syd Graham
    Blue linen fabric at the bottom was going to be a Clo Bias Skirt but I flipped and flopped on that idea... so I havent made a final decision yet.

  2.  I then have a cutting out session... I cut all the patterns out and bagged them up into large clear plastic bags with their sewing instructions and any notions I needed. 

  3. Then its time to sew... I slowly made my way through the projects one by one. I do try to be mindful of the thread colours and batch the projects in a way that means I dont have to change my thread colour too much. (because Im lazy like that)

  4. Finally its time to try on and photograph my makes... this is the bit I hate the most.

So how did this pile go?

I loved the Lane Pants and they were a perfect size and fit..... the Pietra Shorts are an awesome pattern but I made them too oversized so these have to go.

The Snow top is gorgeous!! but once again its too large for me... so I'll downsize and make it again... and the same story with the Orchard Dress... its wearable but needs to be a size smaller.

The Tote bag is enormous... and will be really handy for summer... and the Bestie bag might be my most favourite of the batch.

As you can see Ive just been working on trying to nail some basics... and I am getting there... I just need to be more mindful when I'm reading the pattern sizing and stop sewing things too large.