Simply Loving These #19

Golly.... that was a longer break from blogging than anticipated.... but I am back.... so lets kick off with a Simply Loving Post. 
You can read more of these posts - all about things I have stumbled across and loved HERE

1. Are you looking for a beautiful gift for a friend.... or needing a little desk calender for your workspace? Sue Ko has the sweetest... hand scripted pieces for sale in her online store Sue Ko
I am incredibly lucky to have the Self Love Intention Cards....and I absolutely adore them. They alongside my bed...where I can see them daily as a reminder of the life I owe myself.

2. Even I have got caught up in reading and learning about baby (and child ) development ... which is a big topic in our home (as it is for many of us). We have a real desire to be as natural...and simple.... and back to basics as we can be... and so Blogs focused on the Montessori way have been really capturing my attention.  I spent quite some time scrolling the posts on this Blog recently - 'The Kavanaugh Report'

3. I must have been under a rock....because just this week I realised Shannan Mantan (Shannan Pages) has a store where you can purchase her Simple Templates for Scrapbooking. I LOVE the work Shannan does....and the way she creates such simple spreads that capture real stories... in fact I can pick her work a mile off because I love it. I have had many a conversation with Shannan about getting started with digital....and I am so grateful for her tips.... but these templates will make it so much easier.

4. Have you seen the Netflix documentary STINK ...  what an eye opener. I watched it again recently with a friend.... and I couldn't help but feel relieved I had ditched all those products quite some time ago....  but also slightly alarmed at where these chemicals can still be lurking. If you havent watched it yet I highly recommend it.

5. Just following on from the topic of the documentary STINK.... and you may be wondering "what will I do if I can no longer use my favourite perfume?" - Well... that is easy.... create yourself a PUREFUME using Essential Oils ... so simple. You can find some recipes...and lovely labels to purchase HERE. If you are wanting to purchase Essential Oils... please make sure the oils you purchase to apply to your skin are PURE as in the real deal. I am always happy to chat Essential Oils and help you to get started on your simple path to a life with less chemicals ... you wont believe how easy it is. If you are ready to take the plunge... and you know what you want.... I have all the information HERE