50 ideas to keep you busy at home

How are you feeling about these unusual times? .... its a little unsettling isn't it.
Never before have we had so much uncertainty surrounding the things we take for granted.

There is such a lot of stress and anxiety in the air ... plans are cancelled...jobs are uncertain...shopping is chaotic... peoples lives are at risk.

We are being asked to social distance.... or perhaps even isolate for caution.....so in among all the other emotion and noise.... I cant help but see a little blessing in that.

 Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash

Its forced us to stop and notice exactly whats important.... we are turning back to simple skills and supporting each other to get through these times. I love that we are gaining back a sense of community and uniting together.

I know right now I would have been packing for our trip to Cambodia... instead I will keep myself busy with some of the ideas below.... and if I can help our support in any way please reach out to me.

  1.  Spring clean cupboards and junk drawers 
  2. Re-visit your cookbooks and make some meal plans 
  3. Write some cards and letters and post off in the mail to let people know you are thinking of them.(or if you are concerned about hygiene at this time.... write some emails) 
  4. Sort your digital photos and save to hard drives 
  5. Make a mini album to record these moments and the changes we have had to make. 
  6. Clean out your wardrobe and perhaps create a 'Capsule Wardrobe' of clothes to wear. (I love the Cladwell App)
  7. Mend any clothing that needs repair
  8. Make a patchwork quilt or at least cut the fabric to make a start
  9. Learn a new language (Ive used the Duolingo App before)
  10. Learn a new craft ... or start a new craft project
  11. Get your paperwork and accounts in order...make a budget or set up some systems.
  12. Begin or try a new Yoga Practice - I love Yoga by Adrienne
  13. Bake your own Easter Buns
  14. Over haul your cleaning products with healthier options using Essential Oils and basic ingredients.
  15. Cook a recipe from your grandmothers (or mothers) recipe book.
  16. Binge a new Netflix series
  17. Plant some seeds
  18. Make a vegetable or herb garden
  19. Get a start on your Christmas cards and get crafty.
  20. Order some gifts online - support local and small business (Try Buy from the bush)
  21. Do a jigsaw puzzle
  22. Re-decorate a room using only things you already own
  23. Create some new little spots in your home with some favourite things
  24. Re-pot your plants and show them some additional love
  25. Give yourself a pedicure and paint your nails
  26. Re-organise your Pinterest boards
  27. Try a recipe or make a craft project from one of those Pinterest boards
  28. Empty your email inbox - do a social media clean out
  29. Print some photos and change your photo displays
  30. Create a bucket list
  31. Read a new book 
  32. Take an online art class
  33. Explore You Tube .. I really enjoy the everyday life of Jonna Jinton living under the Northern Lights  and Sailing la Vagabonde
  34. Paint a feature wall or a canvas
  35. Stocktake your Essential Oils so you know what you need to replace and write a wish list. 
  36. Write a 'master to-do list' and then work toward ticking it off
  37. Explore your family tree ..I did this recently and loved it.
  38. Create a junk journal or bullet journal
  39. Sort through old photos - keep those that are important and discard the rest.
  40. Get outdoors for a walk in the sunshine
  41. Explore some new Podcasts - and delete any subscriptions you have finished with.
  42. Make yourself a new Spotify playlist
  43. Sew yourself (or someone else) some clothing
  44. Make some handmade birthday cards ready for the year ahead
  45. Tackle the linen cupboard - Konmari the sheet sizes into piles
  46. Create some Essential Oil blends in rollerbottles for easy application. Ideas here
  47. Cull your book pile and donate any you have finished and will not read again
  48. Scrapbook some layouts 
  49. Listen to some of your old music
  50. Call a friend on the phone - make a cuppa and have a 'distance coffee date'


  1. Love this so much Mardi I have done 47 + 50 only this morning.
    Stay safe love Jayne 🌻 🌻 🌻

  2. Thats wonderful Jayne....I spent yesterday on 8 & 16 - look after yourself x
