My 'One Little Word' for 2021

I had such high hopes for 2020 ... I came out of 2019 feeling pretty broken. I was in a bad headspace and well aware things needed to change and I was the only one who could do it...there are no magic wands for a bad headspace.
I chose the word  'Acceptance' as my focus for the year of 2020.... 

2020 dealt some blows like we have never experienced before.... but in the end I feel I weathered them better... I'm not sure if losing Dad has just paled everything else into insignificance.... or whether I have 'done the work' and learned acceptance.... or whether I am just momentarily in a good place ... time will tell.

What I do know is that I have found many of the simple things that make me happy.... I can also recognise the things that don't.... so 2021 will be my year of CALM.
I intend on making some tough decisions so that I can align myself with what my 'soul wants' ...  and not what I feel obligated to do.
I want CALM of body... mind and soul..... I want a CALM home and a CALM life.

Do you choose a 'One Little Word' each year?

My 2020 word was 'Acceptance'
My 2019 word was 'Clarity'